Kairo and Faisal kick off the chat reminiscing about life in London. And the things Dubai has to offer that London doesn’t. The conversation quickly moves onto why we struggle to support people within our own circle due to intimidation. But why we need to change the narrative to be more supportive. What’s written for someone will reach them, with or without the support. But words matter. And that little boost of motivation to someone could spark confidence entirely. We need to prioritise the rights of others to strengthen relationships. They discuss the importance of self discipline to achieve personal milestones, especially financially. We are progressing to be a lazier generation because of how accessible life is becoming, and how reliant we are on technology. The boys share their ideas of winding down in ‘downtime’. They also talk about the talent of creatives in the industry right now. Join inner circle to continue an in depth conversation on their Eid plans in Dubai.
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