Leonard Richardson talks about a number of free and open-source games he made, as well as his time running a
goofy BBS as a kid. We discuss the experience of having dozens of strangers create their own riffs of a game he
tossed together in a couple of days, writing interactive fiction as a stepping stone to writing non-interactive
fiction, and Nethack code patches as a form of fanfiction.
- Choppy the Pork Chop
(Play online)
- Some Prodigy ads
- Mustang Software / Wildcat! BBS
- Party line
- Da Da Warren Memorial Memorial
- Door games
(Tradewars 2002,
Legend of the Red Dragon)
- David Griffith
- Museum of ZZT
- Worlds of ZZT, feat. Leonard's 1993 game
House of Bob
(Play in browser)
- Behold, mortal, the origins of robotfindskitten, slides for a talk given by Leonard for Roguelike Celebration 2017.
- Pete Peterson II
- PalmOS robotfindskitten
- Apple II and C64 robotfindskitten
- Atari 2600 robotfindskitten dev diary
- robotfindskitten.org
- OpenGL robotfindskitten
- cc65 C compiler for C64
- The Ultimate robotfindskitten Fan Site / robotfindskitten 2: This time it's personal!
- Original MS-DOS version of robotfindskitten (playable in-browser)
- What Fools These Mortals
- Leonard's Nethack patches
- Planetfall (playable in-browser)
- Lost Treasures of Infocom
- The Interactive Fiction Archive
- Guess the Verb
ClubFloyd transcript,
Play in browser)
- IFComp
- Degeneracy
ClubFloyd transcript,
Play in browser)
- Constellation Games
- Darius Kazemi's Fuck Videogames
- The Minecraft Archive Project