The day starts like any other day on the prairie. Doc Baker is in his office checking on his patients: those who actually need him and those who only want attention. However, his most important patient at the moment is Beth Novak, a women who is 7 months pregnant and lost 2 pregnancies before. And if that wasn't enough to think about, just before Doc Baker shows up, Stanley Novak, husband to Beth, falls off the roof while preparing the house for the newborn. A quick examination reveals it to be nothing but by that evening Stanley collapse at the dinner table and Beth finds herself a widow. Feeling the blame for not identifying the injury, Doc Baker questions his own purpose in Walnut Grove and if even being a doctor is what he wants to continue. And he bows out, handing his office over to a profit driven, out of town doctor who goes by the name of Doctor Asa Logan. And when it comes to the patients that actually need his help, his uppity behavior can't be bothered by those who can't afford his help. It's not until Beth Novak starts to have contractions that Doc Baker realizes that his place in Walnut Grove is not out in the fields behind a horse but still in his office caring for the patients that need his care the most. Where exactly did Doc Baker graduate from medical school? When did the Novak's move to town and take over the old Taylor/Clark/Bowers' places? How come we didn't see Laura at all in this episode?