From Plum Creek With Love: A Little House on the Prairie Podcast
The scat is about to hit the fan. The quiet, little, affordable town of Newton is transformed overnight into New Deadwood. And it is no longer a safe place to be. In fact, things out at Shadow Creek are not as safe either. However, this doesn't get Charles to pack up his family and head back home to Walnut Grove. Instead he packs up the family and moves them into expanding, loud, and unaffordable place that Newton has become. And just when it couldn't get worse...Caroline starts running a school. The cautionary tale of Zachariah has come to fruition: People change from Gold. It's only after a very grueling day that Charles decides it is time to head back to Plum Creek. Is this where Laura's Childhood ends? How much did Charles and Mr.Edwards actually make from their claims? What new adventures await us upon returning to Walnut Grove?