WARNING: If you want to stay away from adult/sexual content, stay away from the Goblin Slayer section of the episode. It’s a pretty graphic manga and there are some controversial moments we touch on with it.
If you’re still reading this, then you now know that we’ll be talking about GOBLIN SLAYER (through Ch. 29). It was a light novel, which became a manga, then it got an anime, and now… it has an Up To Date on this podcast. Woo hoo.
Then, we decided to revisit an old manga that we (sort of) remember. SHAMAN KING. Do you remember it? I thought not. But you’re in luck, because we’re going to run through 300 chapters of content for you! As always, thanks for listening.
0:00 – Goblin Slayer (through Ch. 29) SPOILER DISCUSSION
28:50 – Shaman King Sparknotes
1:00:55 – Mango of the Week-O