416 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Veckovis: Fredag
Rachel Brathen is a bestselling author, podcast host, and serial entrepreneur who inspires millions every day. Now – Rachel offers an even more intimate look into her life and the inspiring journey. Weekly episodes of storytelling and talks from Rachel (sometimes alongside special guests!) dive into topics such as love, trust, finding balance, overcoming adversity and well-being. The light you are seeking is within your own heart. Join Rachel as she helps you uncover it, from her heart to yours.
The podcast From the Heart with Rachel Brathen is created by Rachel Brathen. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Today’s episode is a really open and honest sharing straight from Rachel’s heart. She begins by talking about the season of winter, and what winter is asking of us during these months. Winter is a time to slow down, move inward, and rest. It’s a time to anchor into our self worth, even when we are doing nothing of “value”. But Rachel often finds her mind telling her the exact opposite. She openly discusses her struggle, her grief, and how this time of year reminds her of her best friend who passed away, and all the things she used to tell Rachel when she was stuck in her “doing” mind.
At the end of the episode, Rachel goes a bit deeper on how her company is for sale and how she has integrated that news over the past couple of days. Tune in for a lovely chat that will remind you that the truth to everything lies in the present moment… when things are quiet. Sometimes all you have to do is take the cue from nature.
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Welcome to a special bonus episode of From the Heart. In this episode, Rachel announces big news about the Yoga Girl Company. After a long time deliberating, she is here to share - Yoga Girl is for sale. Taking a trip down memory lane, she shares the entire story, from how Yoga Girl began as an idea when Rachel taught her first class abroad in 2012, to executing the biggest yoga kickstarter, then launching OneOeight, transforming it into Yoga Girl, and leading up to where we are now.
From there, Rachel openly discusses how she arrived at this decision personally, what it means for the future - and what she is hoping for in the next chapter. This episode was made possible after a lot of soul searching, guidance, and letting go. Tune in for an honest, open sharing of realized dreams, hard work, love, and passing the torch.
If you are interested in learning more, or if you are potentially interested in buying the Yoga Girl brand, visit this link: www.yogagirl.com/nextchapter.
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Today’s episode is another segment of Ask Rachel, where listeners call in and receive answers from the heart. But before she dives into your questions, Rachel shares a little bit about her difficulties over the past week - with the state of the world, inside her own family, and her struggle to be vulnerable and tell the truth.
Your questions brought out two clear themes of the day. The first theme is about quitting veganism, how to ethically transition to eating animal proteins, and the best way to have that conversation with your kids. Second, a theme surrounding long-term relationships emerged. How do you forgive someone and move on when they caused you a lot of hurt? And how do you know when the one is really the one? Rachel dives into her own storytelling, sharing about her past relationships and how she knew it was always Dennis. Tune in for a conversational episode that feels like you’re grabbing coffee with a good friend.
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Today’s episode is a sensitive topic and Rachel has a big story to tell. It is time to talk about how she culled three roosters and ate them on the farm. Beginning the episode with a discussion on nourishment, veganism, postpartum, and losing and gaining weight, Rachel shares where she was before and how she feels in her body now.
She then shares how she came to this place - from being vegan to finding a deep urge within her to live off the land the way her ancestors did before her. And finally, she comes to her roosters and shares the entire story, from hatching them, to culling them, and eating them. Tune in for a vulnerable episode on learning, reverence, and life and death.
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What do the stars have in store for us in 2025? In today’s episode, Rachel is joined by our favorite astrologer, Debra Silverman, to share the astrology forecast for the year ahead. Together they discuss your soul versus your ego, how to slow down and live a life grounded in self-acceptance, using astrology to find fulfillment as we age, and Rachel’s own chart and the big shifts she has seen recently. Then of course, Debra shares her predictions for what is ahead and how to prepare, for each sun sign from Aries to Pisces. Tune in as Debra offers a message of hope and helps you peel back the layers of 2025 and find the tools you need to embrace your true, authentic self. Astrology can teach you how you love, how you act, what motivates you and… it gives you a permission slip to come home to yourself.
If you would like to study astrology with Debra, you can join her Applied Astrology school (use code YOGAGIRL10 for a 10% discount!) here: https://debrasilverman.samcart.com/referral/appliedastrology/VxgSNqEx5FUDvqgL
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Welcome back to From the Heart. This week on the show, Rachel is finally home after a winter ski vacation, and she is settling into her usual routine. She shares about her time on the slopes with her family, the big overhaul she has done when it comes to her diet and counting her macros, and also what it felt like returning home after a long time away.
While vacations are special, it’s ultimately the little everyday moments that make life completely worthwhile. Taking your first sip of coffee in the morning. Laughing with your children. Sitting on the couch with your husband. At the end of your life, these are the times you will remember. Maybe we don’t always need to reach for the stars, but sometimes just appreciate the small, slow moments that make you feel alive. Tune in for the inspiration to slow down and find meaning in the little things.
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Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Is everyday life getting you down but you don’t know how to change it? Can you imagine the life of your dreams but you’re not sure exactly how to get there? In today’s episode, Rachel is joined by Mimi Bouchard, the creator of Activations. Mimi transformed her life from one of self-hate and drug use to living her fullest potential, and she is here to share how you can do it too.
Together Rachel and Mimi discuss the science behind manifestation, the importance of getting to know yourself, how to embody the feeling of your future self, and Mimi’s simple two-step formula to transformation. Ultimately, it comes down to shaping your self-image to align with your core beliefs, training your brain to notice opportunities, and living your future now. You don’t have to wait one more minute. Tune in for an insightful episode that will help you design the life of your dreams.
If you want to try Activations, now is the perfect time. Visit activations.com/rachel for more.
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Happy New Year and welcome to the first episode of From the Heart in 2025. In today’s show, Rachel shares how she celebrated the new year with her family - and how she has grown in the past year. All of us are sitting here stronger and wiser than we were at the beginning of 2024.
How have you changed? Can you take an inventory of the skills you’ve learned in the past year? In what areas have you grown? And how can you use those skills to align your intentions with your actions? Rachel shares personal examples from her own life and will inspire you to trust in your ability to create magic. You do it every single day. Tune in to get started.
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It is time for the most important practice we will do to prepare for 2025. In today’s episode, Rachel shares her Intention Setting Ceremony, where you will sit with your journal and call in your heart’s longing for 2025. Rachel will guide you through the entire practice, from setting up an altar, to shaking off any feelings with a dance party, sitting down to quietly ground - and then begin.
Focusing on the four main areas of your life - your home, body, mind, and soul - you will close a chapter and define what comes next. What feeling do you want to embody by the end of the coming year? What is the most beautiful version of 2025 that you can imagine if you had all resources at hand? With actionable journaling prompts, what may have seemed unclear will be brought into full focus. At the end of this practice, you will have 12 goals to work toward, as well as a clear intention, affirmation, and word of the year to guide you toward something new. Tune in to call all your longings into existence. The universe listens.
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Welcome to our end of year reflection that will help you close the chapter of what was 2024 and move on to something new. In this episode, Rachel will guide you through a full practice, working your way through everything the year brought your way.
What was magical in 2024? What was really hard? What were the big epiphanies you discovered? What are you most grateful for? And what are you leaving behind? This is one of our favorite and most popular practices that we do every single year on the show, so grab some tea, your journal and a pen, and let’s dive in. (And don’t forget, next week on the show we will sit down for our big intention setting ceremony for 2025!).
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We are just a few weeks away from 2025, and in today’s episode, Rachel gives you her last update from the heart before we begin our highly anticipated end of year episodes. Rachel shares what’s been going on in her family life, her personal life, and her work life before she turns to the future. You will get a glimpse into her plans for the podcast in the new year and what’s coming next.
Now get ready as we prepare for 2025. Next week we have the Processing 2024 episode, followed by the Intention Setting Practice for 2025. In the meantime, wishing you a peaceful and intentional Christmas and thank you for being part of our listenership this past year!
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Today is a very exciting day on From the Heart because we are joined by none other than Tori Dunlap (you know her as @herfirst100K on Instagram). She is a money expert, badass businesswoman, bestselling author, podcast host, and THE Financial Feminist. By the time Tori was 25, she had saved up her first 100K, and now she empowers other women to fight the patriarchy - and get rich!
In this episode, her and Rachel dive into all things from how to save (with a step by step plan!), investing and ethical investing, and crypto currency. They also take a look at much deeper issues, such as why the system is the way it is, SHAME and why women feel is so much more than men, and how financial literacy really is the best form of protest. If you are looking for the path to financial freedom, it’s time to tune in.
You can find Tori’s offerings here: Her First 100K: https://herfirst100k.com/ NYT Bestselling Financial Feminist Book: https://herfirst100k.com/financial-feminist-book #1 Podcast on Money, Financial Feminist: https://herfirst100k.com/financial-feminist-podcast/
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It’s time for another segment of Ask Rachel. This week on the show, you sent in some truly vulnerable questions that led to a really beautiful, open-hearted conversation. Can we fix a relationship that is on two separate pages? What dynamics shift when we make a big change in our lives? Can we fully heal from our childhood wounding? And how can we learn to parent differently than how we were parented, if that’s all we’ve ever known?
With some beautiful insights on breaking cycles, how to handle crises, and the pressures put on women by society, this episode will leave you with a sense of peace in yourself and the will to move forward.
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It’s an exciting week this week as Rachel shares some pretty big news. She has (re)launched her website (rachelbrathen.com), and with it, a retreat happening in the north of Sweden in March. Back to work and finally feeling creative again, Rachel shares the entire rollercoaster journey of getting to this place. It’s actually a lot more than just a website - it’s a journey home that took over 10 years.
She shares the decision making behind the website, a bit about the retreat, what she hopes the future will bring, and why now was the right time. Tune in for some storytelling from where we’ve been to where we’re going, why you always need to remain true to your authentic self, and how we are all just guiding each other home. Again and again.
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Has life been too much to handle lately? Are you feeling uninspired, anxious, and as if your brain is too full? Are you headed toward burnout? Today’s episode can help you flip the script, redirect your day to day, and lead from a place of calm in your life.
Rachel begins the episode with something we all need - a grounding moment to check in with your heart. From there, she dives into storytelling. She shares where she was a few years ago to now, from a deep burnout that forced her to put so many things aside to reigniting her passions in a sustainable, grounded manner. Maybe life is always busy - but you can make sure it is full of things you would authentically choose for yourself. Tune in for the tools to help you get there.
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There are a lot of feelings being felt this week in the United States. Some people are grieving, some people are celebrating, and all around tensions are running high. In today’s episode of From the Heart, Rachel talks about what is on everyone’s mind at the moment: the results of the election. She shares why she was less vocal on social media this time around before jumping into how she actually feels about it all.
With so many differing viewpoints, how can we find the middle ground and remain a cohesive community? Is it possible to hold another’s viewpoint in your heart and actually listen to them? Where are we heading collectively as a society? And what, if anything, can we be hopeful for? As usual, Rachel unpacks all of this from the heart. Tune in for an episode that offers some comfort, some solace, and some space to be human no matter how you are feeling.
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A lot has been going on in Rachel’s life lately. After hosting a big Halloween celebration, her family was off to Portugal the very next day. But the journey brought with it a lot more than Rachel bargained for. She shares the story through the airport, on the plane, to a taxi cab - and into a very dark place in Rachel’s mind filled with fear, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of impending doom. It was a place she hasn’t been for many, many years - and thought she had healed from.
How can we know that we have truly conquered our fears? What if we are just living a life that caters to our issues? Can we continue to look deeper within and be honest with ourselves? Maybe it’s less about not falling apart, and more about supporting ourselves so that when we do fall apart, we are held. As usual, today’s episode is shared straight from the heart and will make you feel better if you’re ever caught up in a negative thinking pattern.
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Without knowing how we really got here, today’s episode is all about poop, germs, and bathroom situations. Rachel begins discussing her Halloween party and the realization that hit her when she discovered: where is everyone gonna go to the bathroom? This leads to some pretty hilarious and worrisome storytelling, from renting a porta potty for her party, to an incident in a public bathroom in Mexico, and something that happened to Rachel one time on the beach.
As a bit of a germaphobe, Rachel shares how she navigates motherhood during these tricky situations, the funny differences of being a girl mom versus a boy mom, and how to cultivate our children’s intuition through it all. At the end, she gives an update on a prank she’s been playing. It’s a very entertaining episode with lots of laughs and some important insight.
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What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? In today’s episode, Rachel is going through transition. She talks about a big change happening in her family that is bringing about a different routine. With space opening up in her day, she feels on the cusp of creating something incredible. But there is always that voice in the back of our heads telling us that we are not good enough. Telling us that we are going to fail. How do we find the courage to take the leap anyways?
Maybe it’s all about fighting for inspiration, doing the work every day, and committing to yourself. Maybe it’s about learning to get intimate with our fears, shame, and vulnerabilities. And maybe it’s about the simple truth that trying and failing is better than not trying at all. It’s how you figure out who you are. Tune in for an episode that will motivate you to get started, no matter what your creative endeavor.
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If you’ve been feeling a sense of dread about the state of the world, today’s episode will lift you up and give you hope. Rachel is starting to feel like natural disasters are happening at an alarming rate - maybe you can relate. And after just celebrating her birthday, she is considering having a midlife crisis a little early.
When we look at the state of the world, it’s easy to become hopeless. Are we headed in a good direction or will things just get darker from here? How is time moving so quickly and our children growing older so rapidly? What can we do to slow down, settle our nervous systems, and become more present in our lives? At the end of the episode, Rachel shares a magical story her daughter told her about how we are born and where we were before. It’s an existential episode that will remind you what really matters.
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It’s Rachel’s birthday week in this episode and with that, she shares some stories about the past year and her intentions for the next one. From becoming a gym person, to leading a winter retreat, Rachel reflects on limiting beliefs that have held her back from some really beautiful opportunities. Does that ring true for you as well?
When we want to make a change or step into a new version of ourselves, the thing that is holding us back isn’t just logistics, resources, or time. It’s also the stories we tell ourselves about what we can and cannot do. And usually - the stories are completely untrue! Tune in to this episode to celebrate Rachel’s birthday and recognize that whatever is in your way, you have more control than you think.
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If you are feeling a longing in your heart to live closer to the earth, to create with your hands, and to gain wisdom on living sustainably, then this episode is for you. Rachel is preparing the farm for winter; tucking in the bees, planting the garlic, and waiting for the first big frost. She shares her process at this time of year, and how important it is to take our cues from nature.
This time of year shows us how beautiful it can be to let go, to slow down, and to move inward. We can only plant new seeds and start new projects if we let others wither and die. Whatever you are longing for as winter approaches, this episode will inspire you to seek out new opportunities, bring intention into your day to day routine, and start fresh.
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Join Katie Krimitsos for this beautiful meditation and special bonus segment. On From the Heart, we are big believes in the power of gratitude. But no matter what mood you woke up in today, this meditation will touch your heart and leave you feeling lighter and more grateful. If you love it, make sure to follow Katie's podcast Meditation for Women. It has daily meditations that will help you start your day with intention, and relax into deep sleep each night.
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It’s time for Ask Rachel on the show, and as usual, we received some amazing questions from you. Today’s episode has one main theme: you are in control of your life! Rachel takes calls from listeners who are feeling powerless - having difficult relationships with family members, unsure of which direction to take at various twists and turns, feeling like a drop in the ocean when trying to take care for the environment, and not knowing whether to quit something or stick with it. Rachel offers the advice we all need to hear, and reminds you of one very important thing: you get a choice.
Tune in for an empowering episode that will lift you up if you’re feeling ungrounded and out of control. Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her anytime at +1 720 443 1771.
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It’s fall in Sweden and Rachel opens this episode with a little update on Bear, the farm, and her life at the moment before diving into the real topic of the day. Rachel has been playing a prank on her brother all summer long (but you absolutely can’t tell him!). With a healthy dose of sibling rivalry, Rachel has been trying to beat her brother at weight lifting. She shares her own gym schedule, the exercises she’s been doing, and the progress she has made - all in the hopes of pranking her brother during their swimming sessions. Her brother even phones Rachel while recording without even knowing!
Tune in for a fun story-telling episode that will show you the fun of sibling rivalry, a close bond between brother and sister, and the motivation a relationship like this can bring.
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We all face daily frustrations; those little moments that throw us off balance and make us feel like nothing is going our way. If it feels like life is working against you, today’s episode will share one of the most important self-care practices that can calm you in just a few moments.
Rachel is on her third straight day of parenting a poor, feverish Bear, and the overwhelm has her nervous system on high alert. She discusses the importance of not only having self-care practices to ground, but why you need a moment to check in with yourself each and every day. Sometimes pausing to consider your needs can go a long way.
In the middle of the episode, there is space to hold your own heart and consider something uplifting: maybe, just maybe, learning to ride the waves of daily frustrations will be a life vest when the universe throws you a major curveball. Tune in for an emotional share from the heart.
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Get your ticket for the Wealthy Woman Live Virtual Event (Rachel will be doing a talk too!) here: https://www.matriarch.love/a/2147924906/Cu3EHkjJ
Are you wondering how to make smart decisions when it comes to your finances? This episode of From the Heart is all about money. Rachel discusses the inherent shame and guilt that so many women feel when this topic is on the table, as well as the imbalances that exist in our world when it comes to resources and privilege. But here’s the thing: we all deserve abundance. Many of us just don’t know how to get there.
Through storytelling, Rachel shares her own rocky journey and limiting beliefs around her finances, until she came to where she is now: ready for true financial freedom. Maybe there is a way to learn how to get there. Tune in for an episode that will help you define your own idea of success and manifest the life you are yearning for.
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Welcome to another segment of Ask Rachel! In today’s episode, Rachel takes some truly beautiful questions from listeners on heartfelt subjects ranging from grief, to parenting, and how to find home. Is there ever an end to grief? How can we navigate the waves of sadness that hit us over time? And is there a way to release anger and resentment that lingers in our bodies?
On top of that, you will hear beautiful thoughts on how to find home, what it means when home is in two different places, and what to do when your homeland starts beckoning you to return. Then if you’re interested in how to eat seasonally and locally, Rachel shares some great tips. Tune in for a well-rounded episode that will hit you right in the feels.
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A lot of us live very full lives. But are they too full that they are depleting? Is it possible to create a life for ourselves that doesn’t burn us out? Where taking care of ourselves is second nature? Where we’re not forced to reach for big moments of self-care just to be able to manage?
In today’s episode, Rachel weaves a discussion on bringing small moments of ritual into our day to day, and using that as a way to find ourselves. With a bit of storytelling on chaga mushrooms, jewelry closets, and full circle moments, this episode will help you honor and nourish yourself in a sustainable way. Tune in for a conversation that will inspire you to live a life that makes you feel good.
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When you define yourself, what roles come to mind? From mother, to partner, farmer, yogi and more - we often wear many hats. Today’s episode talks about being in transition and what to do in that space between seasons. It’s okay to not know who you are at every moment of your life. And especially if you identify as “mom”, it’s okay to long for more than one thing.
Finally, you get exactly what you came for - Rachel gives a baby chick update and shares the story of how these 6 new family members came to be. Tune in for a wholesome episode that will inspire you to keep finding yourself through all the peaks and valleys that come your way.
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In today’s episode, Rachel is busy hatching baby chicks! She shares about this exciting and nerve wracking experience completely, from how she has fertilized eggs, to her procedure with the incubator, and the sheer anxiety that comes with it all. From there Rachel dives into social media and the comparison trap. Nobody’s life is as perfect as what they share online, no matter how it may seem. So where do we draw the line between inspiration and community, to anxiety, comparison, and feeling lesser than?
There is no question that comparing ourselves to others is harmful. And there is simply no time for it - we have baby chicks to hatch! Tune in for a solid conversation on baby chicks, homesteading, and how to live in the present moment, appreciating your life for exactly what it offers.
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Today we have a fun episode of Ask Rachel that touches many different topics. First Rachel discusses how to find home - and what to do when you’re feeling out of place, whether that’s in your town, country, or even in your own skin. Next Rachel takes a question about motherhood, what to do when you’re feeling triggered by your children - and what that really means. Maybe the world would look a lot different if mothers had a little bit more support.
As a fun closing to the show, Rachel shares her three favorite herbs you should be growing in your garden. Tune in for a beautiful variety of questions that Rachel answers from the heart. Do you have a question you want answered? Call +1 720 443 1771.
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It’s story time today on From the Heart and Rachel has some hilarious ones. Tune in as she talks about homesteading, the work behind the scenes, and some epic fails that have resulted in quite a few messes to clean up. Homesteading may look like a dream life online, but in reality it comes with a lot of dedication, learning as you go, and picking yourself back up when things go wrong.
On top of that, Rachel gives a sleep update. She discusses Finn’s new routine and what has changed in life since getting more sleep (hint: she is feeling much more creative again!). By the end of the episode, you will come away knowing that we may put a lot of work into our families and home life, but it is always worth it. The seasons of life will ebb and flow, but the love there is always a constant.
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Today’s episode is all about… chickens! The farm gained 6 new friends this week as a flock of hens moved into their coop. Rachel shares all about it, from the types of chickens they got, to how they brought them home, the fancy features of her coop, and the first 24 hours. It also includes a hilarious story about tucking the chickens in for the first time that resulted in sassy birds and an upset husband and Bear.
Sometimes things are a little chaotic when you’re new to homesteading and learning on the job. But there is no better feeling than working toward a dream and realizing that it actually happened. Tune in for a full-circle episode that will inspire you to listen to your heart’s longing, whatever it is telling you.
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In today’s episode, Rachel takes you on a journey through the farm and the exciting new happenings occurring there. In short, it’s an episode about the lake, the bees, and the newly added chickens! Rachel shares a fear she overcame while swimming, how she went from novice beekeeper to her first honey harvest, and the next new undertaking: the farm’s own eggs.
Slowly but surely, this little farm is becoming a thriving and lively ecosystem. It has been a journey of overcoming fears, allowing yourself to be a beginner, and learning new things. And this is something we can all do, no matter what our lives look like. Each small decision that you make can bring you closer to nature, realign your heart, and rewild your soul. Eventually, you will find your way. Tune in for a conversation about returning to nature and how to find your own unique way to do just that.
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It’s time for an episode of Ask Rachel, and this one is all about motherhood! Every caller this week had parenting on their mind, from book recommendations, to questions on parenting style, and how to handle pregnancy fears. Rachel shares how her and her husband differ in their approach, as well as some vulnerable stories, including one where she made a mistake and had to repair her relationship with her daughter afterward. Finally, the conversation turns to an interesting topic: is motherhood a woman’a only purpose? And in which ways can you find fulfillment if you are not a mother?
Tune in for a beautiful episode of sisterhood, motherhood, and how we as women can hold each other through the ups and downs of life. If you have a question for Rachel, call +1 720 443 1771.
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Happy Summer Solstice! This week’s episode is a time of celebration and Rachel’s family is deep in it: it’s Swedish Midsommar and Bear turned one! Rachel talks about celebrating this time of year in a way that aligns with nature. She shares the meaning behind Midsommar and rituals you can do (especially a beautiful ritual to dream about your soulmate).
On top of that, you’ll learn typical foods and drinks for the occasion and fun games played in Sweden that you may want to try with your own family. At the end of the episode, Rachel discusses the everyday chaos of family life, especially now that Bear is one, which is something almost everyone can relate to. Tune in for a fun, family-filled episode that will remind you the reason behind everything we do.
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Think about the time before iPads, smart phones, and other devices. You came home from school and played outside. You went on a road trip and sang songs with your family. You did arts, crafts and other activities when you were bored.
Today’s episode discusses the sensitive topic of smart devices, the internet, and how excessive screen time can affect the health and wellbeing of our children. Have we lost the ability to be bored? Can we still find presence in the moment? Rachel shares stories from her own family life and offers ideas to limit screen time and raise well balanced kids. The internet can offer us so much - can we learn to keep the good and get rid of all the rest? Tune in to find the balance.
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So many of us live our lives burnt out. We work, we provide for our families, and we spend the rest of the time managing our never ending to-do lists. Or is that just an old story we tell ourselves? If this sounds like you, today’s episode ponders a very big question: is it possible to change who we are at our core?
Rachel has always been someone who puts work first, who never stops moving, and who always has a million projects on the go. She reflects on why this might be the case: is this all she witnessed and experienced as a child? If life had turned out differently, would she have been different? And if so, how can we unlearn any generational trauma and unhelpful thought patterns to get back to who we truly are within? Today’s episode will help you reframe your past and learn to prioritize rest. There is hope in the beautiful mundane moments of life, and the dishes can wait. Tune in to begin.
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How often does your inner critic tell you that you’re not good enough? How often do you feel the urge to poke, prod, fix, and change yourself? In today’s episode, Rachel is coming out of a few hard weeks with bad body image. She unpacks that negative voice within and how to walk the fine line between authentic self-love and obsessing over what you look like.
After a triggering experience in a changing room and a comment from a stranger, Rachel was feeling the pressures of society to look a certain way - especially as a postpartum woman. But there is a true path to loving the skin you’re in, and it has nothing to do with your appearance. It’s all about finding embodiment and peace in the moment. You can choose joy, kindness, and self-love - right now. Tune in to realize it.
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Do you have a morning routine? This practice can be absolutely life changing - but can also feel so impossible when we have little kids. Rachel has been having such a hard time with sleep and parenthood lately that a morning routine - and a lot of self-care activities in general - have been absolutely impossible. In today’s episode, she discusses how to navigate your mornings in a way that works for you.
Whatever phase you are at in parenthood, know that it is all fleeting. Our job is to take care of ourselves through all of life’s ups and downs the best we can, and cherish the special moments we have with our kids along the way. It won’t last forever.
Maybe it’s time for a whole new era! One filled with sleep, self-care, and no guilt. And of course, Rachel also discusses her recent experience at the Taylor Swift concert. It’s a fun episode filled with transition. Tune in to embrace it all.
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It’s time for Ask Rachel! Today’s show features a fun mix of questions from various callers. If you’ve been wondering how to deal with drama taking the joy out of beautiful moments, or struggling with mom burnout and the overwhelm that comes from spending all day with your kids, or if you’re interested in different modalities of healing - today’s episode is for you.
Join Rachel as she discusses balance, boundaries and healing, and even a book she has been working on! It’s sure to leave you feeling uplifted, inspired, and set on your own unique path forward. If you have a question for Rachel, call +1 720 443 1771.
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f you’re having a difficult week, today’s episode will help you make it through - in any way that you can. After having a low week herself, Rachel sits down and opens up about everything unfolding at the farm. She talks lice, mice, and through some twists and turns she discusses more serious issues, from the environmental crisis to the genocide in Gaza.
How can we navigate knowing that there is so much terror unfolding in the world? Are we allowed to take care of ourselves when others are experiencing such pain? What direction are we headed as a society? And maybe most importantly, can we do anything about it? This is an emotional episode that asks some big questions, so bring tissues and always remember to hold your heart first.
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For all mothers out there, today’s episode offers comfort, solidarity, and a true chance to build a village. Rachel and her family are celebrating spring after a long Swedish winter. Bear is taking in all the new things, the weather is beautiful, and the days are magical. However, nights are a different story. Rachel shares a day in the life of Bear; his sleep schedule, his nap schedule - and where things just keep falling apart.
For humans with little ones, motherhood is all consuming. It’s tiring, intense, and way too much - and also the most beautiful and precious time that we have. Rachel has been living in both worlds, and she discusses the duality of it all, and most importantly, the need for a village. Everything would be a lot easier if we held each other a little closer, and Rachel has a plan. Tune in to know you’re not alone.
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Whether you’re a gym person or not, today’s episode holds a beautiful message and some funny stories along the way. Rachel shares the surprising news that she has become… a gym person? She discusses the complicated relationship she has had with the gym in the past - stemming from serious body image issues, the gym used to be a place where she felt inadequate, awkward, and driven by her inner critic.
After a spiritual experience while strength training, she had a shift in perspective. Maybe you don’t need to take yourself so seriously in a place where others typically do. Maybe the gym can be a place where you find deep, internal self-love. And maybe, finding strength in your body brings it to other areas of your life as well. Tune in for an inspirational episode that will show you the magic of movement, strength, and doing things your way.
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It’s time for Ask Rachel on the show! In this episode, Rachel takes four very heartfelt and passionate questions from listeners. How can we change bad family dynamics to invite more vulnerability and closeness into our relationships? What is the best way to repair a relationship after we have made a mistake and are filled with shame? Is it possible to set boundaries in the workplace? How do we know when to follow our hearts versus our heads?
For all your relationship questions, this episode has an answer from the heart. Life may be full of tricky scenarios, but there is always a way through. Tune in to find it. If you have a question for Rachel, call +1 720 443 1771.
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This past week brought with it the solar eclipse - and a lot of chaos! But that’s exactly what a solar eclipse is meant to do. It shakes things up and breaks down old structures that are ready to crumble. In today’s episode, Rachel unpacks the craziness of it all.
After a bit of story telling, she then dives into the patriarchal idea of success. Is it possible to quit the hustle and create from a more feminine, soft perspective? Can we really have a life of abundance that is filled with ease and grace too? Maybe the old way just doesn’t work for us anymore. Tune in to get to the heart of these questions and learn to follow peace, wherever it leads you.
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In this week’s episode, Rachel is talking to you from the mountains of Sweden where she is on ski trip with her family and best friends. With adults being outnumbered by children on this trip, it’s safe to say it has been the most chaotic, intense, crazy, but also beautiful, week of their lives. Rachel shares some hilarious stories before diving deeper into the topic of navigating parenthood as your children get older. She opens up about some new surprising challenges she has faced as a mother, how to navigate the world of big feelings, and the heavy weight we bear teaching our children to be kind.
Although it was a very full week, it seems like the busiest times are the ones you look back on the most fondly. One day these days will be nothing more than nostalgia. This episode will remind you to embrace the moment you’re in, soak up every phase of parenthood, and give yourself grace during the busy times. It all passes by so quick!
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The home, the children, the entire world - everywhere you look, you will see women holding things. Inspired by Maira Salman, today’s episode is a dedication to the mental load that we carry day in and day out as women and as mothers. It begins with a moment to check in and breathe before Rachel dives in, giving you a snippet of her brain and the seemingly endless list of things she’s worrying about in this moment.
While it may feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, finding moments of grounding and silence to show up for yourself can make all the difference. There may never truly be an end to the holding women do, but this episode sheds light on learning the balance between the giving and receiving.
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This episode marks the 7 year podcast anniversary! Rachel commemorates it with a segment of Ask Rachel. She takes a look back on some of her favorite episodes over the years and shares her thoughts on how this podcast journey has shaped her life. Then she dives into some really heartfelt questions from YOU! She discusses how to navigate uncertainty and change by sharing the most chaotic experience of her life and what got her through it. Then she touches on why we often cry during yoga, how to know whether to stay in a certain place or move on, whether grief gets better or not after losing a beloved pet, and life as a stay at home mom.
It’s a fun episode that touches on the heart of what this podcast has really been about for 7 years. If you’ve been here through thick and thin, thanks for listening! If you have a question for Rachel, call +1 720 443 1771.
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This week Lea Luna (and the podcast!) turned seven years old. Since these years of life are the most formative, this feels like a big milestone. In this episode, Rachel takes a trip down memory lane and reflects on Lea’s life, from her birth to present day. She shares hilarious stories that highlight her daughter’s feisty personality (like the time she tried to run away from home) and more.
One of the most bittersweet moments of parenthood is when you realize that your child is growing older and will need you less and less every day. All we can do is provide them with love and support until they are ready to launch. Tune in for a nostalgic episode that will truly remind you that the days may be long, but the years are short.
Next week’s episode is Ask Rachel for the 7th anniversary. Call Rachel to leave a question at +1 (720) 443 1771.
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This episode is a deep dive on health, birth control, stigma, and how to take care of yourself while on your moon. Rachel begins the episode by sharing some bittersweet news: she has started her period again for the first time postpartum. She opens up about stories from her past and how her views on this very natural process have changed as she has grown older and had babies.
If you are looking to get more in tune with your cycle, Rachel discusses why she chooses to freebleed, how to do it in a way that is practical and comfortable, and overall, how this time of the month is incredibly sacred and connects you to your womb.
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With spring on the way, Rachel has some exciting news to share. She is hosting a 12 day yoga challenge! After finding herself in a bit of a rut in her physical practice, she is committing to movement in the best way possible: with her community.
This podcast episode is all about discipline. We often wait for motivation to take the lead and inspire us into action, but life actually works the other way around. We have to show up for ourselves - even when it’s hard and even when we don’t want to - and that’s how discipline and motivation are built. Tune in for a deep dive of how to anchor into a solid routine of self-care, and why doing it with a community can set you up for success.
To sign up for the Countdown to Spring: 12 Day Yoga Challenge, go to yogagirl.com/challenge (psst… as a podcast listener you can use code YOGAGIRL10 for an extra 10% off).
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True wellbeing is so much more than just the food you eat. It’s a mindset! It’s the practices you incorporate into your everyday, the supplements you take, the quality time spent with loved ones, and the content you allow in your space. In this episode, Rachel shares all her non-negotiables that she does every day to optimize her health, including the foods on her plate, the plant medicine in her apothecary, and the practices in her toolkit (think sauna, cold-plunging, and time spent in nature!). You’ll get a glimpse into her new non-restrictive lifestyle, her views on feeding her children, and what really matters when it comes down to it.
This is a podcast that will serve you well. It offers free and accessible practices that you can adopt at any time to help you feel better inside and out - which is exactly how health should be! Tune in to get inspired to feel better.
Some products mentioned in the episode to support health and wellbeing:
-Collagen and superfoods: https://glnk.io/y7z/rachel7 (code YOGAGIRL for 20% off)
-Sauna blanket: https://sunhomesaunas.com/products/bestinfraredsaunablanket(code YOGAGIRL for $50 off)
-Red light glasses: https://se.boncharge.com/collections/blue-light-blocking-glasses?rfsn=7814660.5c582f (code YOGAGIRL for 15% off sidewide)
-Electrolytes and tea: https://www.piquelife.com/?rfsn=5783400.34f47c&utm_source=affiliate
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Welcome to another segment of Ask Rachel. In this episode, Rachel takes three very important questions from listeners and answers them from the heart. First, you will hear her take on how to nourish and sustain real friendship - and how to know which friendships are worth sustaining in the first place. The next question dives into anxiety and long-term strategies to employ if this is something you struggle with. Finally, Rachel discusses something she is very passionate about - the inner intuition we have as mothers. Rachel shares some advice that will help you assert yourself and stay true to your boundaries when it comes to taking care of your little ones.
It’s a great episode filled with practical advice and heartfelt conversation. Tune in! Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771.
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In this week’s episode, Rachel is talking to you from the sunny south of Spain, where she is enjoying a much needed reawakening of her creative and fun self. After a 15-minute meditation and a reminiscing of her past trips to Spain, this episode offers the chance to get in touch with your own imaginative self.
If you have been feeling disconnected lately, there is nothing more soothing to your nervous system than a creative outlet. Whether for you that is cooking, painting, dancing, or anything else, this episode will remind you that creativity is a fundamental human need. There is no need to perform or produce - the act of creating is itself enough. Tune in for an episode that will inspire you to go be with your art, whatever that may be.
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When you feel sad, what do you do? Do you immediately search for reasons and explanations? Do you instantly look for “cures” that will bring you back to happy? Today’s episode dives into a practice that Rachel has been working on for many years now: the practice of sitting with discomfort.
After waking up feeling incredibly sad, Rachel shares what her day looked like while letting sadness linger. Humans have a need to fix when something feels wrong, but if you avoid your feelings, they just stay bottled deep inside. Today’s episode offers an alternative; a way to invite your feelings into your life as companions and work through them instead of against them. At the end of the episode, Rachel reminisces on past versions of herself and discusses how you can hold space for your previous selves as you move into new seasons of your life. Tune in for a deep, heartfelt episode that will remind you to allow the mess and honor everything you’ve moved through.
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This week’s episode is a truly grounding episode both physically and collectively! Rachel begins with the healing properties of bone broth, how to prepare it and even a delicious recipe for baby bone broth. It turns out, bone broth is truly one of the most nourishing and versatile foods to incorporate into our diet! Rachel shares the entire process and ways in which she nourishes herself and her family with the benefits of bone broth.
What if we all got together and shared the responsibilities of making bone broth, as it truly is a labor of love?! A need for community is still on Rachel’s mind, and after calling out for a collective community of mother’s and shared responsibilities on last week’s show, she received so many beautiful emails inspiring her to create community here, once again.
Tune in for an episode that will remind you that if we can’t connect in person, we can connect virtually, right here. There are so many ways in which we already have our virtual village and can expand upon it! The truth is, no matter where we are in the world, we are on this journey together. The village is right here, and it always was.
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In this week’s episode, Rachel tries so hard not to talk about her and Bear’s sleep schedule, but in the end, it’s not really an option! Lack of sleep affects the body, mind and spirit so much. Rather than fake it, Rachel shares openly, from the heart on how she’s coping, what supplements are helping to sustain her energy, and her deep seated longing for a village of other families to build community with.
When we work together in community with each other, we have support, care, love and validation. Mothering is hard and having a village to support you is ideal! But, building that village takes a lot of work, so in the meantime we connect by asking for help when we need it, powering through regardless, and lots of different supplements, minerals, vitamins and herbs to sustain us.
Tune in for an episode that will inspire you to find community, take your vitamins, and appreciate sleep on a whole new level!
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Welcome to another episode of From the Heart and another segment of Ask Rachel! In today’s show Rachel gives a brief and tender life/sleep/work update from the heart, then takes random questions from various callers around the world.
Each question covers an important area of life; how to stay authentic while marketing yourself, what’s the most important element to prepare for when expecting a baby, what Rachel’s yoga practice looks like now, how to use your intuition when making important decisions, how to let go when you know it’s time, and how to care for your body using CBD.
While we don’t always have the answers to all of life’s questions, as we gather and share tips and insights to help us navigate big life changes; from having a baby to letting go of a business, no matter where we are in the world there is always this magical community to come home to.
Tune in for an episode that will remind you of your value, authenticity, and that letting go sometimes means an exciting new chapter is unfolding.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771.
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This week’s episode is coming to you from a sleep-deprived, exhausted Mama, who has gone through a dark night of the soul (or several) with a beautiful baby boy who refuses to sleep for more than 30 minutes a night!
With Bear unwilling to sleep, or sleeping so lightly that the slightest move wakes him again, Rachel has not had a proper night's sleep in several weeks. They’ve tried everything from sleep coaching, acupressure points, lavender massages, soothing, coaxing, but nothing seems to work.
What do you do when you have gone several weeks with little to no sleep, and in the rare instances you do have the chance to sleep you can’t? What do you do when you develop Momsomnia - when your nervous system is so wired that it refuses to allow you to rest when you have the slightest chance?
You ask for help, and you give yourself grace. You take the pressure off to get dressed, to show up, to put on a face like everything is fine. You ask for help from your partner, your family, your community. You drop all expectations of yourself and you do your best to survive. You allow yourself to have chocolate for breakfast and you add your supplements where you can. You call it a grace period and you allow it to be just that, a period where you have compassion for yourself and you allow yourself to receive all the help that is offered.
Tune in for an episode that will remind you that it truly takes a village, to give yourself immense grace when things get hard, to allow yourself to remove the mask to feel your feelings, and the importance of asking for support when you need it most.
Poem - “The Grace of Mothers,” by Jillian Mackenzie https://www.instagram.com/p/C1cNgAgORLU/?img_index=5 @ancestral.mother
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The time has come for the most anticipated From the Heart episode of the year! 2024 is upon us, and with that we are going to set our intentions for a beautiful new year. Join Rachel for a powerful intention setting ritual, where you will focus on your 2024 dreams, what you want to call in for the coming year, and then go deeper into the four main areas of your life - your mind, body, soul and home - to define what comes next.
What is the most beautiful version of 2024 that you can imagine? What feeling do you want to embody? What do you want to say no to? What core needs do you have? What goals do you want to set? It’s time to figure it out. At the end of this practice, you will have a clear intention, affirmation, and word of the year to guide you toward something new. You have a blank slate - it’s time to begin!
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We have arrived at the end of another year. 2023 is almost behind us! Can you believe it? This week’s episode is the start of our New Year’s rituals. Grab your journal and pen, brew yourself some tea, and settle in for not just a regular podcast episode, but a beautiful practice that will prepare you for next week’s intention setting practice. Take a journey into the hard, the beautiful, the takeaways, the blessings, the friendships, and the love that shaped the past year to make space for next year’s intentions.
From the overall feeling of the year, to what you manifested and created, the lessons you learned, and the things you want to leave behind, you’ll move through a detailed timeline of 2023 over the course of this episode. It’s time to put away the past so we can move forward.
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Welcome to another episode of From the Heart and another segment of Ask Rachel! In today’s show various listeners call in with a wide variety of questions, and Rachel answers them all from the heart. From lack of sleep, to temper tantrums, and how to navigate miscarriage and loss, a lot of the questions focus on family life and resources that can help. On top of that, Rachel takes questions on how to deal with passive aggressive relationships in your life, steps to starting a business, and how to find a community that resonates with you. Finally, you’ll get a little hint on what’s coming next - especially when it comes to our favorite end of year podcast practices that start next week!
Tune in for a well rounded episode that will leave you feeling more hopeful. Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771.
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Today’s episode is all about winter! Growing up in Sweden, Rachel had a hard time dealing with the darkness and cold so far north. But now, winter has become one of her favorite times of the year. If winter just isn’t your season, this episode will help you embrace, love, and appreciate all that it has to offer. Especially if you suffer from bouts of seasonal sadness, tune in to learn how to best work with your circadian rhythm to release natural hormones that will uplift your life, no matter what is happening outside your door.
Winter is a time for quiet introspection and contemplation - it’s a time to rest and retreat inward. But so many of us try to live our summer lives during these months. No wonder it’s so hard! Rachel shares how her life changes as the cold approaches, from her morning routine involving fresh air and sunlight, to daily activities of cold plunges, and her habits surrounding foraging options, winter crafts, and sacred practices. Tune in to align your life with the seasons, find a connection to nature, and truly embrace the magic that winter has to offer.
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This week’s episode features the return of a very special guest after a long break, Dennis Schoneveld! He is here to update us on life in Sweden, his experience with freebirth, and what it’s like being a dad of two. After talking family it’s onto business, with Dennis sharing what he does for a living, the three exciting projects he’s been working on… and of course, coffee!
It’s a fun episode, that took over 24 hours to record - but that’s life with two kids. Tune in as they answer listener questions, laugh, joke, and make life work - together!
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Today’s episode is another segment of Ask Rachel. Rachel takes three random questions from three different callers - but the questions are all essentially the same. How can you connect to a place of self-worth without all the doing? How can you still feel lovable when you are not productive? How can you find peace without having to prove yourself to the world?
These are big questions - and ones that we all try to work through, no matter where we come from. Today’s episode will give you insight into rest, leaning into the feminine, and finding out who your best self actually is. Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771.
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Today’s podcast episode may not be the uplifting, inspirational one you are looking for - but it’s one we all need. It’s a dose of connection, community, and how to pull yourself out of deep, dark holes. Rachel is pondering a big life question we may all be asking ourselves right now: is the world inherently good?
Still in the Maldives, Rachel shares a nagging feeling that she just can’t shake. She has been struggling with how to navigate her own privilege, on top of a fear loop that has been taking hold of her the past few days, all while trying to wrap her head around the state of the world. If you can relate, Rachel shares tips on how to get out of these spirals so that you can be your best self for everyone around you. Tune in for an episode that searches for the light when everything seems dark.
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In today’s episode, Rachel is speaking to you directly from the Maldives! As the first family vacation with Bear, Rachel shares what the day to day life is like on a paradise island, how the baby has been adjusting, and whether she misses life on the beach. Being on vacation with 16 of your family members is always interesting, and she shares how her family dynamics play out before diving deeper into the importance of taking care of the pregnant or postpartum women in our lives.
Tune in for a fun and sunny episode that will remind you that wherever you go - there you are.
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Life with a newborn is beautiful and simple; tiring but gratifying - it is everything all at once! In this episode, Rachel gives an update on life with Bear, his little personality, what her normal day looks like, and her thoughts postpartum. These easygoing days have become one of the most healing times of Rachel’s life, but at the same time, the world is collectively anchored in a place of mourning for mothers in other parts of the world.
Tune in for an episode that will put everything into perspective. It may be a difficult time to be human, but there is so much to be grateful for - if we can move through our days from the heart.
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On this episode of From the Heart, listeners call in with questions for another segment of Ask Rachel. After a little update on family life, Rachel dives in. She answers questions from how to handle shifts in your identity, how best to balance healthy living without becoming obsessive, and how to stay grounded in your purpose no matter what life throws your way.
This episode also features a very beautiful yoga theme, with questions from yoga teachers on how to come back to your practice if you’ve lost sight of your goal, and the best way to build community while remaining authentic to your own heart. It’s an inspirational episode that will remind you of your true purpose. Tune in. Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771.
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In this episode, Rachel is speaking to you from her first week of being a lone parent in the house. Dennis now has a full-time job, so Rachel is on her own with the kids. With a big change in routine, things haven’t been going as smoothly as Rachel had hoped for. She shares about the challenging days she’s had as the lone parent, how she’s trying to find her groove, and how through it all, she keeps looking for an adultier adult who is going to step in and help.
This story is a metaphor for everything going on in the world today. We are all looking for someone who is going to step in and stop the suffering. But the only person who can do that is you. If you lose yourself in grief and fear, you will bring that energy into the world. This episode will remind you to stay grounded, to meet yourself where you are, and, if all else fails, to pray.
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The world as we know it was flipped on its head this week. In today’s episode, Rachel talks about the state of it all directly from her heart. In difficult times like this, not only should we keep up with our self-care practices - but it is crucial that we do.
The world is asking something of you: ground yourself. Sometimes that may feel like you’re shying away from the pain, but in reality, that is exactly what is needed. Take care of yourself, anchor your feet on the ground, speak your gratitude out loud - and then service will naturally follow. This episode is an affirmation of love, connectedness, and how to find your unique gift that will help the world.
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This week’s episode is a special one: it’s Rachel’s birthday week! With some big feelings in her heart, she reflects on the past couple of years and how her life has played out. Going from working non-stop in Aruba, to a pandemic, to illness and mold, and to finding her way to a farm in Sweden, it’s safe to say that things are very different now. And it was on her last birthday that she found out some big news: she was pregnant.
We all go through phases and cycles in our life, but sometimes we feel more like a passenger than the driver. This episode will share one big lesson: sometimes painful things out of our control will come our way… to lead us to where we’re meant to be. You may not understand it all, but you can anchor into trust, hold gratitude in your heart, and enjoy the journey.
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Ask Rachel: Repairing Relationships, Quieting the Inner Critic, and Returning to Love
Welcome to another segment of Ask Rachel. On today’s episode, Rachel takes a wide variety of heartfelt and vulnerable questions from different listeners. She talks about how to repair relationships with your loved ones (and how important of a skill this is!), her inner critic and the negative thoughts that keep popping up for her lately, and then a little update on her non-vegan diet. When it comes to life with baby, Rachel also shares about sleep, sleep training, and what works well for her family. Tune in for a deep and insightful episode on all things family, food, and life!
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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As we know, life with a new baby often means the mother’s wellbeing gets left behind. So much of our lives are focused solely on our little one! But in this episode, Rachel shares a big revelation she has had over the past few weeks: all that matters is that you show up. The rest will follow.
Right now, Rachel has found herself in a very good place when it comes to her self-care routine. She shares how she has been feeling in her body, a little bit about her exercise routine with a baby, why pelvic floor work is so important, and tips on how to make your own self-care routine sustainable. No matter if you show up for 10 minutes or one hour, a huge shift in your wellbeing comes whenever you prioritize yourself. This episode will inspire you to show up each and every day. Those small changes you are making will add up to change your life.
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Every single time you step outside there is so much medicine at your fingertips. In today’s episode, Rachel will introduce you to the world of herbalism. You will learn about different plants and how to live a life more connected to nature.
The episode begins with Rachel’s origin story; from how she became interested in herbalism and her journey to deepen her knowledge. From there, a beautiful introduction awaits. Learn how to build an apothecary at home, how to forage for your own medicine outside, and how to safely identity different types of herbs. You’ll get to know common mistakes people make, what to forage in each season, the best herbs to get started with as a beginner, and some deeper examples on plant friends from rose hip, to stinging nettle, and dandelion. Finally, Rachel shares some really helpful book recommendations. At the end, you will come away with a deeper knowledge on how herbs can improve your life in a multitude of ways.
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In today’s episode, Rachel shares a heartfelt update on motherhood, which includes everything from sleep, to running a household, taking care of yourself, and being a working mom. After a really intense day alone with Finn, she finds herself coming to a big revelation: she needs help.
It’s never easy to ask for or receive help. But maybe this craving deeply weaves into our longing for community. Rachel shares her thoughts on how to go about creating more togetherness and what society could look like if we supported each other in a more natural, symbiotic way. Maybe it all begins with learning to ask for help. If you’ve been moving through similar feelings lately, tune in to not feel so alone.
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Welcome to Ask Rachel, where you call in with your questions and Rachel answers from the heart. Today’s episode is a fun mix of questions from many different listeners. Rachel shares tips and advice on everything from home birth, to eating organically, and sharing your time as a parent of two. Then she gets personal, answering how Dennis and her discussed having kids and their future plans for the farm. It’s a fun episode on life, love and divine timing.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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If you’re a human on this planet, you know just how important self-care is. That is especially true if you’re a mother. We give absolutely everything to our children: our bodies, our minds, our hearts and our souls. How can there be room left over for us at the end of it?
In this episode, Rachel asks a pivotal question: does it truly take a village to raise a child? She shares a hard moment from motherhood, where Finn had an intense moment of crying after arriving at Rachel’s old house in Uppsala. It became so bad that even strangers asked her if she needed help.
But the answer may not be found in soldiering through until you get a moment of peace. Is more alone time the right approach on what may already be a lonely journey? Or should we reframe how we approach motherhood by fostering a more supportive community? In a world that often glorifies individualism, this episode will remind you that it’s often shared stories and empathy that bring about the most potential for change.
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Today’s episode of From the Heart is a beautiful life update from Rachel to you. She talks about craving community, feeling pain and weakness in her body, and how she has been going through a challenging time with Finn throughout the past week. Having a newborn is hard!
But no matter how far you’ve been led astray, you can always find your way back. Rachel discusses the steps she has taken to return to herself, from scheduling sessions with a personal trainer to finding windows of opportunity in each and every day to focus on herself.
This episode is a beautiful reminder that when you connect to your physical strength, you also connect to your spiritual strength. Even if it’s just one small step at a time. Tune in to begin your own journey.
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If you are postpartum, or have just been in a rut lately when it comes to your physical health, today’s episode will inspire you to come back to movement - but not for the reason that you think.
Rachel is back to her yoga practice after taking so many months off for pregnancy. She shares what her journey back to the mat has looked like; slow, steady, and with one clear motivation in mind.
The way we feel about ourselves physically also impacts how we feel energetically and emotionally, and vice versa. Ultimately, it’s about feeling good. When we feel good, the possibilities in all areas of our lives are limitless. Tune in to connect to your center and find your way back home.
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Welcome back to From the Heart, where today we have a segment of Ask Rachel. In this episode, Rachel takes questions on ways to connect to our ancestral past, where to start when it comes to herbalism, and how to release the fears and anxieties we may feel about good things ending. It is a beautiful array of questions where no two relate, but all are just as important. Tune in for a deep and insightful episode on all things life.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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The first 40 days postpartum are thought to be the most sensitive and vulnerable (although of course, postpartum lasts much longer than this!). As Rachel has just passed the 40 day mark, she is here to share a step by step guide of her journey to replenish and heal herself after birth. If you are expecting (or plan to be soon), this episode will give you actionable advice on how to take care of yourself after baby’s arrival.
Rachel shares her biggest pieces of advice, from the meals she ate, how Dennis supported her, the way she prioritized sleep and rest, her rituals surrounding yoni steams and sitz baths, and more. She also bullet points a list of items she found extremely helpful, answers questions from her community, and discusses some pitfalls and things to avoid.
There is so much focus on baby after birth, but the mother needs just as much love and support. This episode will show you how to lean on your support system, replenish body, mind, and soul, and protect the postpartum bubble that you so deserve.
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Today’s episode is a hard one… so bring some tissues. This week, Rachel said goodbye to her first dog Quila, who died in her arms. Quila has been with Rachel since the very beginning. She was her very first dog. She moved from Costa Rica to Aruba and to Sweden as Rachel moved. Saying goodbye this suddenly is not easy.
Rachel tells the story of Quila today, sharing how she adopted (stole) her, her personality, and how she was Benjamin Button-ing her way through life and thriving in the winter snow. After experiencing so much life and death over the past couple of months, Rachel has been left heartbroken but grateful. Still, there may be something meaningful in the fact that Quila took her last breaths where Finn took his first. Tune in for an episode that will hold your heart through the ups and downs.
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In today’s episode, Rachel is speaking to you at almost four weeks postpartum. She shares what life has been like in the newborn bubble and how her physical recovery has went since birth. On top of that, you get to hear an update on the entire family: Finn’s sleeping patterns, Rachel’s worries about Lea as a mom of two, and how Dennis is handling the transition. Overall, it’s a big time for this little family!
But it’s also a time to lean into softness, show yourself compassion, and lower the bar on productivity. Society tells us we need to “snap back” after birth - but then we miss out on so many tender moments. After all, your newborn is only this little once. This episode will remind you to embrace where you are now and to not take advantage of the small moments of joy that make up your life.
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Just in case you didn’t know… Rachel had a baby! In this episode, she speaks with you at two weeks postpartum to tell you the entire story of free birthing Little Sun. From when she first realized she was in labor, to the mantra she used throughout, who was present, and how everything unfolded - you will hear it all.
Rachel intimately shares her favorite moment with Lea, Ringo’s role in the birth, how she dealt with the nuchal cord, and what she did with the placenta afterward. She bravely shares the epiphanies she had through the process and how she feels about her choices now that Little Sun has finally made it earth side. It’s a beautifully heart warming episode that will remind you of the power of unconditional love, women, and God.
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Welcome back to another segment of Ask Rachel. You’re listening to this episode right now because Rachel is currently on leave after giving birth! Today the topic of discussion is social media and how it affects our body image. Rachel shares some very personal stories: one about a magazine cover shoot she did postpartum that made her feel so much shame, and another about a hard moment when she felt self conscious on her wedding day.
We look back at pictures of ourselves so often and are amazed at how beautiful we were. But we should be amazed now. You are beautiful as you are, right now, and your body is nothing short of a miracle. Tune in for a deep and insightful episode that will help you see it.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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Welcome to Ask Rachel, where you call in with your questions and Rachel answers from the heart. You’re listening to this episode right now because Rachel is currently on leave after giving birth!
Speaking of birth, in this episode, Rachel answers a beautiful question from a listener about how she envisions her dream birth. Don’t get your hopes up - it’s not the birth story just yet! Rachel shares the Spotify playlist she’s creating for the experience, and more intimate details, such as where she wants to be, what time of day she imagines, who she wants present, the position she wants to be in, the meal she wants to eat after, and more.
Of course, we can never truly plan a birth - it will always happen the way it’s meant to happen. But we can manifest our wishes to the universe while still remaining completely open to anything that may come our way. This story is Rachel’s dream birth. Tune in to hear it.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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You’ve probably guessed it already, but Rachel is still pregnant. Maybe today’s episode is the last update of this journey - this could be the week.
Rachel is now close to 42 weeks and she shares how she’s feeling spiritually and emotionally. She goes into detail about the signs of labor (although she’s felt nothing yet!), the connection she has to baby, a little update on the farm, and a bit about the medical system and her fears if she goes past 42 weeks. It’s a journey of ups and downs, but if it’s felt long to you - imagine how Rachel feels!
Tune in to hear some guesses from Lea and Dennis, and the last bit of info you’ll (hopefully) receive before Rachel has her baby in her arms.
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Welcome to another episode of From the Heart where, yes, Rachel is still pregnant. She shares how she has felt the past week being “over due” and her overall mood, daily activities and sleeping pattern (even a funny story about Ringo that involves poop!). This has been a beautiful time for her family where they are all living on the cusp of very big change. Dennis has been showing up for Rachel in some major ways, and Rachel shares a couple stories about Lea that will warm your heart.
Overall, parenting is one big trip! But somehow, each step of the journey prepares us for the next. Ultimately, our role as parents is to get out of the way so our children can become the version of themselves they were always meant to be. Today’s episode will help you reaffirm this notion. And now there is nothing left to do except wait for this baby!
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Rachel has officially reached her guess date! She is now 40 weeks pregnant, and her family and friends have many ideas about when this baby will come. In today’s episode, Rachel gives an update on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual journey she is on right now. She shares a really cute prediction from her goddaughter, the aches and pains she has dealt with for months, how this pregnancy differs from her first, and what Dennis and Lea think about it all.
No matter how much longer until the baby arrives, there is absolutely no rush. Tune in for a sweet episode that will remind you that the ways of the universe are never early or late, but always right on time.
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In today’s episode, Rachel is 39 weeks and learning an important lesson at this stage in her pregnancy: surrender. There is still construction happening at her house, her mind keeps tricking her into thinking she’s unprepared, and there is no telling when this baby will come. At this point, there is only one thing left to do: trust divine timing!
We are ingrained to think we need a thousand things to be a new mom, when really, the less you rely on outside gadgets and outside voices, the more you can listen to your own inner voice and surrender to trust. The best thing for your baby is you - not something you can buy from a store. Rachel shares the entire list of items she has to prepare for birth (it’s a very short list that will put your mind at ease!) and her deepest fear at this stage in her pregnancy.
Today’s episode will remind you to go inward when feeling unsure, and put your faith in your inner voice - it will never steer you wrong.
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Today’s episode is a quite literal look into the brain of a 38 week pregnant woman, including the tornado of emotions that comes with it. Rachel shares her experience over the past week, from feeling anger, to contentment, to fear, to happiness and an entire spectrum of emotions within an hourly span (even getting mad at her husband over tuna salad!).
As Rachel prepares for labor and tones down her daily engagements, she notices how this pregnancy has connected her to the earth and a more simple way of living. She even shares her entire makeup routine (okay, it only takes two minutes) and why she is throwing all of it out the window.
At the end of a hard day, we can still recognize how much room there is for gratitude in our lives - and how much our minds trick us into thinking otherwise (especially when pregnant). Tune in for an episode on the ups and downs of life that will make you laugh at the truth behind it.
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Has there ever been a time in your life when you’ve been nothing but happy? You felt only gratitude and contentment and there were no feelings of shame or guilt holding you back?
In today’s episode, Rachel talks about the overwhelming sense of contentment she is feeling at this point in her life. But it’s often a feeling that comes along with a lot of shame. Society tells us to push ourselves endlessly, to hustle, and to work hard to get what we want. But what if there was a different way to do things? What if the journey could be a gentle stroll in the forest instead of an uphill climb on a mountain?
Tune in for a soft, vulnerable share that will remind you that it’s your responsibility to feel joy when it arrives, to live gratitude out loud, and to swim in the bliss that your life offers you. Sometimes the only thing holding you back is your mind.
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Welcome back to another segment of Ask Rachel, where Rachel listens to all questions weighing on your heart and offers her guidance and support. In this episode, she first gives an update on her pregnancy before diving into some heart-warming yet gut-wrenching questions. How long has she ever stayed in a meditative state? How does she curate great yoga playlists? And deeper - what triggers does she deal with as a mom, and how does she handle difficult family situations? Tune in for a deep and insightful episode sitting in conversation together - and don’t forget to follow Yoga Girl on Spotify.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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For the first time ever, Rachel is sharing the real, factual, unfiltered version of her birth story with her daughter. She shares her experience and opinions of the medical system, the many interventions she didn’t want, and what led to the outcome she was deeply hoping not to have.
Overall this experience brought her to her life’s purpose: her daughter. But now that she has had six years to reflect, she has chosen to take a different path with her second birth - one that puts her and her baby first.
This episode may be triggering to some, but it is Rachel’s truth. Tune in to find empowerment and healing for your own birth story.
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If your life has been all over the place lately, at least there is something you can blame it on: it’s eclipse week. Rachel begins this episode by sharing a bit of astrology and what we may experience over the next few days. This is a heightened time! Expect to feel scattered, conflicted, and the intense contrasts of life.
This exact energy is playing out in Rachel’s life too. She shares the rollercoaster she’s been on over the past week, from traveling to the Netherlands to say goodbye to a loved one, how her emotions affected her physically, what she’s done to try to hold it all together.
From grief to gratitude and back again, this episode will bring you on a journey of the duality of life and remind you to find your anchor.
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When we have children, we are presented with the unique opportunity to give them everything we needed when we were growing up. It’s an opportunity to reparent ourselves; to heal our own inner child.
In today’s episode, this notion has become so apparent in Rachel’s life as she teaches her daughter about the beauty of birth and the pain of death. While preparing for Lea’s little brother, their family was thrown into grief by a heartbreaking loss. Rachel shares the story, and how it reminded her of a childhood experience filled with trauma and panic. Now Rachel has the chance to rewrite her own history as she remains a steady rock for Lea.
Tune in for a beautiful episode on the duality of life and the healing that comes as we walk hand in hand with our children through all the ups and downs.
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This is a very special episode of From the Heart! Today Rachel is joined by her best friend Olivia Rothschild (and baby Z). Olivia being six weeks postpartum after a birth that Rachel was present for, the two sit down for the first time to digest the experience that changed both of their lives. They talk all things home birth, parenting dynamics, the beautiful journey of pregnancy, and making choices that serve you throughout it all.
Olivia intimately dives into how she handles contractions, her postpartum experience, and all the bodily fluids. After all, it wouldn’t be a podcast with Olivia if poop wasn’t mentioned! Tune in for a fun chat with best friends that is full of laughter, heart warming moments, and the beautiful bond of two mothers.
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Today’s episode is another segment of Ask Rachel, and this one has a little bit of everything. Rachel answers questions on everything from setting boundaries and how to navigate tumultuous relationships, to the words we speak about ourselves and how they shape our reality. If you want to hear about rituals to ground you during a stressful time, or how to set fitness goals that are actually beneficial, this one is for you. A well-rounded episode, you’ll come out feeling like you just had a deep conversation with a friend.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. You may hear your voice on the next segment of Ask Rachel.
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Without a doubt, grief and loss are some of the hardest things we will move through in this human experience. But at the same time, they are unavoidable. Is there any way to prepare our hearts for the immense pain that is to come?
In today’s episode, Rachel is recording from The Netherlands where her family is moving through a world of grief right now. She tries to answer some almost unanswerable questions. How do you talk to your children about death? Is there a right or wrong way to grieve? Do we ever really say goodbye?
This is a heavy week and a hard episode, but one filled with incredible resilience that leaves room for closeness, love, and gratitude. Grab your tissues and tune in.
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Spring is springing all around us! As nature moves through a season of rebirth, this is the perfect opportunity for us to shake off the dust from winter and do this work internally as well.
Today’s episode is a practice for the Spring Equinox on March 20. Rachel shares the spiritual and energetic qualities of this time of year and how you can harness its power for your own rebirth. She shares suggestions for rituals, from spring cleaning and the history behind it, to building an altar dedicated to your intentions this season. At the end of the practice, you will move through dedicated journaling prompts to process and let go of winter and step into the energy of rebirth and magic that spring truly brings.
How do you want to grow and evolve this spring season? What seeds are you planting now for a future harvest? Grab your journal and pen and tune in for a fresh start.
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Our favourite guest, Dennis Schoneveld, is back on From the Heart today for the first time since baby number two has been on the way. A usual episode full of laughs, Rachel and Dennis discuss their lives in Sweden and on the farm, how Dennis is doing, and how his job search is going.
Of course, they get into some very important and much requested topics too, like Dennis’s transition away from veganism, his relationship with food (or a lack there of) throughout his life, and his history of hunting iguanas and eating iguana soup. Of course, they share about their preparations for the upcoming birth of their son, too.
Tune in for an episode full of laughs, love, and lightness!
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The past few days for Rachel have been heavy and beautiful in the best and worst ways possible. She tells the story of saying goodbye to their dog, Laika, from how she navigated the days leading up to it and the conversation she had with her daughter around death. It was during these quiet days at home that her phone rang: her best friend was in labor (look out for a podcast episode with Olivia coming soon!)
From witnessing a birth and a death in the same weekend, this episode is a beautiful story about the circle of life, the thin veil that connects us on either side, and the power of our hearts. Just as the contractions of a woman in labor come in waves, so too do the feelings of grief after loss. And the cycle begins again.
Grab some tissues and tune in to a heart wrenching episode that will remind you of your purpose in this great adventure called life.
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The animal lovers out there will resonate with today’s episode… but it’s also a very sad one. Rachel and her family just received some incredibly hard news. Their dog, Laika, is in her final days.
Rachel shares how she will prepare her daughter for this heartache, and how Laika has showed up as a protector throughout Rachel’s pregnancy. It’s cruel and unfair that every hello with a four-legged soulmate eventually leads to a goodbye, but the moments in between we can cherish forever… and they never really are further away than our hearts.
Bring your tissues and tune in for an episode that will remind you to hug your fur babies tight.
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Let’s talk about food! In today’s episode, Rachel dives into the world of diet, nutrition, and nourishment, sharing all the details about her transition from veganism to a more animal focused diet. What is she eating now? What was the biggest challenge she faced? What benefits has she seen physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? And just as importantly, how did her daughter and husband adapt to the change?
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or shamed due to your own diet decisions lately, this episode will help you reconnect to your own intuition and the way of eating that is right for you.
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Have you ever had a big feeling, but strangely you didn’t think this feeling was entirely your own? Somehow it felt ancient and old?
In today’s episode, Rachel shares a fascinating discussion on the concept of ancestral trauma and generational healing. This story today is told through Rachel’s lens: her family’s lineage of trauma, a cacao ceremony that helped her realize her purpose, and a rebirthing that allowed her to reclaim her own experience.
Trauma can implant itself in your cells and be passed on to future generations. But eventually, it will meet a person in the family lineage that has the resources to choose different, and the ability to heal. Tune in for a beautiful reminder that all that weighs you down is not yours to carry.
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Welcome back to another segment of Ask Rachel, where Rachel listens to all questions weighing on your heart and offers her guidance and support. In this episode, she answers two very important questions. How can we deal with negativity from family members or friends if they disagree with our pregnancy and birth plans? Why is it harder to stay anchored in our own truth when so many voices around us are pushing their own beliefs? Afterward, Rachel dives deeper into her tea practice, including how she began and what this sacred ritual means to her. Tune in for a deep and insightful episode sitting in conversation together.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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In today’s episode, Rachel is speaking to you with three days of alone time ahead of her. Dennis and Lea are away on a ski trip and Rachel has some big plans for herself too: self-care and more self-care! She shares how she’s been dealing with pain this pregnancy, and how it’s so important to take care your needs seriously and put yourself first. Only then are you able to model these behaviors for your children.
At the end of the episode, Rachel gives a much-anticipated pregnancy update. She shares the sex of the baby, her recent interaction with the medical system, and how Dennis and Lea took the news. Tune in for the scoop!
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If you are struggling with feelings of unworthiness, or if your sense of self is intricately tied to success and accomplishment, this episode will remind you that you are lovable exactly as you are. There is nothing more you need to do.
Rachel shares intimately today about some big fears and inner judgements she has been sitting with lately. She just accomplished a big dream - she moved to a farm in Sweden. But a voice inside her head (maybe society’s voice?) has left her wondering if she is throwing away past versions of herself too soon.
We are not only one thing at a time - we are yoga teachers and mothers and farmers and dreamers. We are a million things wrapped up into one complicated human. Sometimes the big feelings will make you wonder if you’re doing enough. But today’s raw and vulnerable sharing will give you the opportunity to simply be.
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In today’s episode, Rachel dives deeper into the journey of her pregnancy and shares what she is envisioning for the birth. Her decision has been met with resistance every step of the way - from doctors, from the media, and from a society that treats pregnancy as an illness. But this experience is a sacred and deeply personal one - it shouldn’t be a debate. There is room for everyone to feel autonomous, empowered, and have their needs met.
While Rachel has opted for a less invasive pregnancy, this episode will not tell you how to do things. It will only encourage you to ask questions, do research, and actively participate in this experience that is inherently yours.
Tune in to hear Rachel’s story and be inspired to follow your own path - not a path that anyone else chose for you.
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Welcome to the first official episode of From the Heart with Rachel Brathen! Today Rachel shares a hilarious story of the craziness that happened during the first Christmas on the farm. From power outages to thrown backs and cold meatballs, what began as pure chaos turned into something magical. It all culminated in the moment Rachel realized that she was truly home.
This episode is your reminder that if you’ve had a tough time over the holidays, it’s not too late to begin anew. The life of your dreams could be waiting right around the corner. Tune in to find it.
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Welcome to From the Heart with Rachel Brathen. In this show, Rachel Brathen, New York Times Bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, and podcast host, shares directly from her heart to yours. This is a place where you can be an open book – where you can feel your feelings and know that you’re not alone. In an intimate storytelling format, each episode explores everything from overcoming adversity, to wellbeing, self-care, and motherhood. You’ll learn how to speak your truth, set boundaries, sit with grief, truly love your body, and make the mundane sacred. New episodes release every Friday, and each one is a space to hold your own heart. Because we all feel the same things, just not always at the same time.
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The time has finally come. With 2023 fast approaching, call in the year meant for you in this yearly ritual and intention setting ceremony.
Join Rachel to pull a card, dance, ground, journal, and set your intentions for the New Year. Focusing on the four main areas of your life - your home, body, mind, and soul - you will close a chapter and define what comes next. What is the most beautiful version of 2023 that you can imagine? What feeling do you want to embody by the end of the coming year? It’s all up to you.
At the end of this practice, you will have a clear intention, affirmation, and word of the year to guide you toward something new. Tune in to call your longings into existence. And so it is.
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Can you believe that we are already at the end of 2022? This week’s episode begins our New Year’s rituals - we are going to process 2022 and everything that came our way. After all, it’s hard to move forward when you’re stuck in the past.
Grab your journal and pen, brew yourself some tea, and settle in for a journey into the hard, the beautiful, the takeaways, the blessings, the friendships, and the love. Rachel will guide you through a series of journaling prompts to ready yourself for 2023, body, mind, and soul. The only way out is through! Tune in to begin.
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You’re in for a bit of a crazy story today! Rachel shares the journey that brought her to her dream farm in Sweden. Coming from mold drama in Aruba, to a cabin she couldn’t keep, and searching for her forever home, Rachel and her little family have been on quite the trek over the past few years. But now it’s time to finally set some roots on a little farm with a complicated history.
Following your dreams is never without worries. There’s always that voice in the back of your head telling you to not get too comfortable. What if everything falls apart? What if it doesn’t work out? But darling, what if it does? When you can fully lean into it, the power of manifestation is a striking force. Today’s episode will remind you to keep an anchor in gratitude, fully embrace your joy, and stand tall in your power. Something beautiful just may be on its way.
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Today’s episode is another segment of Ask Rachel, and this one is especially intimate and vulnerable. Rachel answers some questions specifically centered around pregnancy and childbirth. She shares about unprocessed grief from her first pregnancy and then vulnerably opens up about her dreams and wishes for her second. If pregnancy or motherhood is on your mind, this episode is for you. It dives into wild pregnancies, unassisted births, claiming your power, and overcoming your fears. At the beginning of the show, Rachel also shares an exciting change that is coming to the Yoga Girl Podcast… but you’ll have to tune in to find out what it is!
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. You may hear your voice on the next segment of Ask Rachel.
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This episode is full of exciting news! Rachel is back from Aruba and finally gets to share what she has kept secret for so long. She is having baby number two… and the growing family is moving to their dream farm.
Rachel shares the entire story, from the moment she knew she wanted another baby, to conception, Lea’s reaction, and where she is now. Tune in for an episode that will lift you up and remind you to believe in the good things coming.
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Glennon Doyle, author of Untamed, watched in awe as this simple phrase from Untamed – WE CAN DO HARD THINGS – the mantra that saved her life twenty years ago, became a worldwide rally cry.
Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every day – we love and lose; we forge and end friendships; battle addiction, illness, and loneliness; care for children and parents; struggle in our jobs, our marriages, our divorces; we try to set and hold boundaries – and we fight for equality, purpose, joy, and peace right in the midst of all the hard.
On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon, her wife Abby Wambach, and her sister Amanda Doyle, do the only thing that has ever made life easier: They talk honestly about the hard. They laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone.
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If you’re on the path toward a dream, you know the power that manifestation holds. But there is an often unspoken part of this process that doesn’t get the acknowledgement it deserves: you cannot create something new without tearing something else down.
In today’s episode, Rachel finds herself recording in a familiar spot, Island Yoga. She reminisces on the years she spent at this property, from the months of construction, to the first retreat she hosted, and the community that was built in the Luna Shala. But now her life looks a lot different. Creating something new in Sweden has meant she needs to say goodbye to this space that held a dream.
This episode is an intimate conversation in finding the balance between manifestation and surrender. Tune in to anchor your trust into the beautiful things waiting for you around the corner, when you’re finally able to let go.
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It’s story time in today’s episode! Rachel and her family have returned to Aruba for the first time after moving to Sweden a year ago. But it hasn’t been smooth sailing since their arrival. They left the island escaping a mold disaster… and the universe had a funny way of welcoming them back. Yes, it involves some mold, their car, and a bit of a disagreement between Rachel and Dennis.
This episode has the entire story! From the struggle of leaving Aruba, to the remediation of their house, and the interesting way they happened upon a new fixer upper, you’re in for a tale. It will remind you that if you don’t heal on a deep level, the universe may throw you right back into the exact same place. It’s up to you to do the work to break the cycle.
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Why is it so hard to set boundaries around our screen time and social media usage? We know it’s not the best for us, and we usually don’t even particularly enjoy being there, but we do it anyways.
In today’s episode, Rachel shares her current relationship with social media and dives into this complex topic as a whole. Is screen time beneficial for our health and wellbeing? How does it affect our sleep? What will constant EMF exposure do to our bodies? Where is society ultimately going?
Tune in and you may just be inspired to put the phone down. Your life should be spent doing things that fill you up, not going back and forth between a couple different apps.
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Welcome to Ask Rachel, where you receive a direct answer from Rachel on anything weighing on your mind. Today’s segment brings us many relationship questions. Is it a deal breaker if your partner doesn’t have the same diet or lifestyle as you? How do you rekindle a challenging relationship with a parent? Can we redefine ourselves after having a baby? On top of that, Rachel shares a bit about how to garden with limited space and the best way to source your food locally. Tune in for a fun and insightful episode sitting in conversation with Rachel.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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It’s been a week since Rachel shared the news that she is no longer vegan and let’s just say… a lot of people had opinions about that. After a social media storm, Rachel discusses the fallout, the drama, the bullying, and some legitimate questions that have been raised since sharing her news.
Stepping away from veganism hasn’t meant that Rachel is suddenly okay with factory farming or other harmful and unsustainable practices. It has meant learning new things, acknowledging past ignorance, and accepting that the world is not black and white. It’s been a journey. A process. And we all have to walk our own path. Tune in to hear Rachel’s.
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This episode was difficult to record and scary to release, but it’s a truth that Rachel wanted to share. She is no longer vegan.
Rachel shares the full story, from going vegan for the first time, to how her needs changed throughout different life transitions, and what finally made her reconsider the views that were so ingrained in her psyche. She discusses what this means for her health and wellbeing, as well as the mixed emotions she feels about sharing this news with the world. Ultimately, we never know what is right for another human being. We can only hope to live in a way that is sustainable to the earth - and to ourselves.
It is both brave and difficult to open ourselves up to backlash. With that, we ask that you listen with kindness. Emotional reactions are okay, but please keep them to yourself. Tune in for the story.
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Today’s episode begins with a grounding to help settle your nervous system. Rachel has been feeling both very content within the bubble of her life, and very worried about the state of the world at the same time. She shares the contrasts happening in her outside world and in her heart. How do we stay hopeful when the world feels hopeless? Using her love for the (increasingly disappearing) forest as an example, Rachel shares the grieving process she has gone through in trying to align her life with her core values. Is it possible to walk through the forest in peace every day, while knowing most of it is being cut down just a mile away? Can we appreciate what we have, while also grieving what is lost?
If you have a cause that you love, now is the time to get out of your bubble and fight for it. There is no time like the present. Today’s episode will inspire you to begin.
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Welcome to Ask Rachel, a segment answering all your questions from the heart. In today’s episode, Rachel dives deep into how to nourish creativity when you feel uninspired, whether or not you should help your partner on their spiritual journey, and how to grieve past versions of yourself as you continue to change and evolve. You’ll hear some personal stories, some hard truths, and some words that will uplift your soul. Tune in to ask yourself big questions, make real changes, and shed old identities.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. You may hear your voice on the next segment of Ask Rachel!
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Life comes with ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean they are easy to manage. How do we feel joy when there is also pain? And how do we navigate the shame that comes with it? If you’ve been working through this lately, today’s episode is for you.
Rachel discusses the duality of life that so many of us are experiencing right now. Through a personal example, she shares the fairly challenging phase she is going through with her daughter. And how even though it’s hard, this is still one of the most beautiful times of their lives. At the end of the show, Rachel shares some exciting news (hint: it may involve new life classes on yogagirl.com!).
It takes courage to take a step back and process before you react, but this is the practice. Nothing will ever be perfect, so we can only learn to take the challenges as they come and never hold back from our joy.
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If you have a furry companion, you know one very important truth: there is no such thing as just a dog. Today’s episode will connect you to the infinite love and gratitude you feel for your pets.
Rachel is speaking to you today from a very raw, vulnerable space. Her family has just said goodbye to her brother’s dog, Hammer. She shares the story of how her family tragically lost their first dog, her relationship with Pepper and how she handled his death, and how the passing of Hammer has been both hard and harrowing, but also beautiful and healing.
Losing a dog is like losing a very pure, innocent part of ourselves. But knowing that Hammer’s time was limited gave the family something very precious: vulnerability, honesty, love and presence. Tune into today’s episode to honor your fur babies, to hold them in gratitude, and to hug them tight.
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We spin ourselves in circles and drive ourselves wild searching for peace. We look for success and validation from others but disappoint ourselves along the way. If you’ve been working yourself too hard or searching for your purpose, today’s episode will help you reframe your journey.
After returning from a hiking trip above the arctic circle, Rachel is feeling more like herself than ever before. She discusses her journey over the years, from her self-harming teenage years, to finding yoga, and becoming a mother. But through it all, she lost sight of her reason why - her authentic motivation. It was nature that pulled her back. She shares exactly what about this hiking trip was so special and how she is slowly reconnecting to her true purpose.
What places, people and circumstances make you feel like yourself? And how often do you turn away from them for something far more trivial? At the end of it all, you are the one you are looking for. You might as well start now. Tune into today’s episode to begin.
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Parenting is hard, but knowing that other parents experience the same difficulties can help you feel seen, understood, and a little bit less guilty about it. If you’ve been struggling with your little ones lately, today’s episode will bring you a newfound sense of hope.
Rachel shares the story of a recent temper tantrum that her daughter, Lea had. In the moment, there was no fixing it. But afterward, when she had some time to think it over, she began to put the pieces together and determine what happened. It concluded with a beautiful moment the two shared together and an epiphany for Rachel as a mother.
At the end of the show, Rachel takes some questions from you for a bonus segment of Ask Rachel. You’ll hear how to use oracle cards, how to balance your yoga and teaching practice, and how to manage imposter syndrome. Tune in for an all-encompassing episode that will leave you feeling a little bit lighter.
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What brings you joy? Is it a priority in your life or does it fall to the wayside for everything else? Today’s episode will remind you why you must chase your joy at all costs.
It’s harvest season over at Rachel’s house. Simple things these days, such as teaching her sister how to garden, making elderberry syrup, and learning how to preserve foods has brought her more joy than she can remember in a long time. After some challenges with Lea’s schooling, Rachel discusses using her joy as an anchor to remember where her true values lie: in feeling free, being self-sustainable, and finding confidence in her ability to care for the ones she loves the most.
The closer you bring yourself to your joy, the more you will recognize what really matters in your life. Tune in to remember what it’s all about for you.
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It’s been a while but your favorite guest is joining the show today: Rachel’s husband, Dennis! Hear the latest from the best couple in this hilarious conversation. From the light-hearted to the more serious, this episode has it all.
Will Dennis ever get a sailboat? Will Rachel ever get a cow? Has Dennis found his purpose in Sweden? How is his transition going? More importantly, how did his latest Iron Man race go? Whether you’re interested in learning about Dennis’ passion for photography, what it’s like to live in nature, or whether Baby #2 will ever happen, this episode has the answers to your questions.
Tune in for an episode that will remind you that relationships are about compromise, but a little goes a long way when there’s a whole lot of love and laughter.
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It’s heartbreaking but it’s inevitable - at some point in our lives we will all move through grief, loss and death. If this is close to your heart right now, today’s episode holds a beautiful epiphany for you.
After a morning paddle boarding on the lake, Rachel was left feeling so alive. Death has felt very present in her life lately - but sometimes, it’s that closeness with death that allows you to be deeply present in every moment. She shares the story of her dog, Laika, and the scary experience that brought her to the emergency vet this week. As Laika nears the end of her life, Rachel discusses how to navigate grief, how to gently broach the topic with your children, and how to not waste your one precious life.
There is aliveness all around you, from the plants in your garden to the buzzing bees and the people and pets you love the most. Tune in to remember what it is that you truly live for.
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It’s time for another segment of Ask Rachel, where listeners call in and receive heartfelt and vulnerable answers to life’s big questions. In today’s episode, Rachel dives into topics from beginning yoga, to astrology readings, how to start a podcast, what to look for in a healer, and surrendering to whatever may come your way. Hear some personal stories and learn how being open and honest always leads to vulnerability. Tune in for an episode with great insight and inspiration to the path forward.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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If you have a pet, you know the bond you share is special and unique. That’s why it cuts so deep when it’s time to say goodbye. If you’re moving through the loss of a pet, today’s episode will help you navigate these lonely and cruel waters.
Rachel is recording from the west coast of Sweden - but her heart is back home with her brother and his dog, Hammer. After receiving some heartbreaking news that Hammer is very sick, Rachel is thrown back into the grief from losing her own dog, Pepper. She recounts the story and shares how to pull yourself through or help someone else moving through the same experience.
The grief hurts, but the love never ends. Our furry companions live on in our hearts - and maybe they’re waiting over the rainbow bridge for us to throw them a stick one more time. Tune in to honor your pets and reminisce on the love you shared.
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Some days more than others we are hit with just how fragile life is. Our experience on this earth is fleeting - and nothing is guaranteed. If you’ve felt untethered lately, this episode will anchor you back into belonging, gratitude, and purpose.
Rachel has just returned home from a trip to Amsterdam to visit family after a hard diagnosis. She shares a bit about how lost she felt, how unfair life is sometimes, and how her family’s lives were turned upside down. It was some yarrow on the side of the road that reminded her - there is so much love present here too.
Maybe we experience love this deeply because we know how fragile it is. Sometimes all we can do is put one foot in front of the other, take things day by day, and return to love again and again.
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If you have ever experienced anxiety or panic attacks, if you’re coping with burnout, or if you have been trying to align your life with something that better fits who you are, today’s episode is just for you.
After a recent experience with anxiety, Rachel was thrown back into feelings from an old life. It has been years since she changed the pace of her life, moved to a different part of the world, and started slowing down enough to consider what she truly longed for. Panic attacks seemed to be a thing of the past. But with a return of these visceral feelings, she is left looking for an answer. She shares stories from the past, her coping mechanisms, and what is different today.
Why does anxiety return after we have done so much work on ourselves? Maybe as a full circle moment or to remind us to be grateful. Whatever the reason, if we can’t sit with it, we can tell the truth about it. Tune in to honor your own truth.
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Welcome to another segment of Ask Rachel, where you call into the show and Rachel gives in-depth answers to the questions weighing on your heart. In today’s episode, we hear some beautiful questions from listeners. From the fears we experience in motherhood and how to cope with them, to tips and tricks to commit to a meditation practice, and how to make the mundane moments in our lives feel purposeful and sacred, there are some beautiful insights to share together. Tune in for a fun episode sitting in conversation with Rachel.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her and leave a message at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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In today’s Yoga Girl Podcast episode, Rachel has just returned from a spontaneous adventure with her best friend. It brought her to blueberry fields, flower gardens, Swedish bakeries… and some surprising synchronicities along the way. She shares the story and a beautiful realization that comes with releasing control and letting the universe guide your way.
No matter where you go, the universe puts you on the right path. All you have to do is take that first step. You may end up in some really interesting places when you drop your expectations and let go of the outcome. Tune in for the adventure.
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Do you find yourself longing for a different pace in life? Are you feeling directionless, like you’re lacking true purpose? Is your life an endless hustle but you still don’t feel good enough? Today’s episode will help you put all of that to rest.
Rachel discusses how her family life has changed since moving to Sweden. She hasn’t been actively creating or working, instead she’s spent most days in her garden. While this change of pace has brought so much contentment and abundance to her life, it has left her wondering what her true purpose is. Is she doing enough? Is she allowed to feel at peace with such a simple life?
We all have different seasons of our lives. Some bring about creation, activity and busyness, others bring rest and contemplation. Together, they make up a life. Today’s episode will remind you that your true purpose lies in finding contentment with where you are and in accepting who you are. Tune in to align the two.
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The rise of smartphones and the internet has brought about many changes in our society, one in particular being that solitude is really hard to come by. We are bombarded every moment with text messages and emails - and if not, we can open up our social media apps to stay updated by the minute. Gone are the days of being truly alone.
In today’s episode, Rachel shares her struggle to find a balance between her extroverted tendencies and her need for true solitude. She reminisces about the time when she traveled without the internet, using only guidebooks and the occasional payphone as her companions. Her lack of alone time lately has her craving something deeper - a break from social media? A solo plant medicine retreat?
Solitude can be uncomfortable, but it’s the only way you can get to know yourself without the world’s expectations on your shoulders. Tune in for an episode that will have you craving quiet moments to hear your true voice.
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You asked… and now Rachel answers! This episode is the very first segment of Ask Rachel, where you call in, hear your voice on the show, and Rachel gives a heartfelt answer to whatever is weighing on you right now.
In this episode we hear questions from Germany, Serbia, Australia, and the United States. Rachel dives into what brings her hope, how to accelerate the manifestation process, her favorite must-read books, how to tackle the highs and lows of life, setting boundaries, and whether we should change our partners or accept them for who they are.
Tune in for an intimate conversation between Rachel and you.
Do you have a question for Rachel? Call her at +1 (720) 443 1771. Share your name, where you’re from, and whatever question is on your mind.
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