From the Spectrum: Finding Superpowers with Autism
Hans Asperger called the children "little professors"- This is Autism.
In this episode, we explore criteria B.3, which is the core of Autism. Donald Triplett's father's first sentence to Leo Kanner- He seems self-satisfied.
Hans Asperger
Erwin Schrödingerödinger
0:00 Intro, Erwin Schrödinger and Leo Kanner; Light gives Life to Cells
2:29 B.3
5:15 Hans Asperger, Autist
7:19 Leo Kanner
8:31 Paths to Superpowers; Autism and Education; Medicine and Charles Sidney Burwell
13:50 Personal Experiences; Vietnam War; B.2 complications with B.3
15:22 Baseball Game and Probability
16:52 Adult Examples
17:55 1950s and Novel- example of Abnormal B.3; Thinking in Pictures and Supplementing Relationships
21:29 Disruptions from unplanned or outside interference; Medication Approach and Warning
23:36 Unusual Objects; ADHD prep; Finding interests in Life
26:31 Check-Out lanes and Autism; Self-Satisified- This is Autism
28:53 Circumscribed
31:36 Perseverative; The Nervous System
35:44 Bible; Inner-focus using B.3 as a Superpower and directing focus
39:16 Dogs and Snakes
39:50 Autistic Phenotype and B.3 at the Center
40:30 Reviews/Ratings and Contact Info
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