Web performance continues to be an input factor to prioritize when building web applications. In this episode, we speak with Google engineers, Kristofer Baxtor, and Jason Miller about the latest best practices in web performance.
Kristofer Baxter - @kristoferbaxter
Jason Miller - @_developit
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Brian Holt - @holtbt
Mars Jullian - @marsjosephine
Stacy London - @stacylondoner
Kristofer Baxter - Vets who code
Kristofer Baxter - Core web vitals
Jason Miller - You and me - meute
Jason Miller - AST Explorer
Jason Miller - Fyrtur blackout blinds from IKEA
Jason Miller - When They See Us
Ryan Burgess - Pink Panther Jewelry heist in a mall in Dubai
Ryan Burgess - Gardner Bender EFT-15 Mini Cable
Stacy London - How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Stacy London - The Cost of JavaScript Frameworks by Tim Kadlec
Mars Jullian - User-centric performance metrics
Mars Jullian - Storybook performance addon
Brian Holt - Mutt's Sauce
Brian Holt - Vets who code
Brian Holt - Black Visions Minnesota