Have you been hearing about the new framework Remix? In this episode, we are joined by Shaundai Person, a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix to talk with us about what Remix is and what are the benefits.
Shaundai Person - @shaundai
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Stacy London - @stacylondoner
Shaundai Person - Hooked on Phonics
Shaundai Person - The Boys
Ryan Burgess - Ultimate Bar Book the comprehensive guide
Ryan Burgess - The Hill Bombing Skateboarders of San Francisco
Jem Young - Valley Silicon: Mini Porsche
Stacy London - Baby, We're Ascending by HAAi, Jon Hopkins
Stacy London - Drum Glow by Moderat
Stacy London - Neon Rats by Moderat
Episode transcript: https://www.frontendhappyhour.com/episodes/(re)mixology