It can be really important to think through what you want in your career. In this episode, we are joined by Michael Gaskill to talk with us about career management.
Michael Gaskill
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Stacy London - @stacylondoner
Michael Gaskill - Code Radio by freecodecamp
Michael Gaskill - Marengo
Ryan Burgess - The Pivot Point
Ryan Burgess - Radical Candor
Augustus Yuan - Uber Go Style Guide
Augustus Yuan - Open Diablo 2
Jem Young - CSS units explained
Jem Young - Theodent Toothpaste
Stacy London - It Should Be Us by Andy Stott
Stacy London - The Center Won't Hold by Sleater-Kinney