CSS has been quickly evolving. In this episode, we are joined by Estelle Weyl and Eric Meyer to explore the new properties that are now available.
Estelle Weyl
Eric Meyer - @meyerweb
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Stacy London - @stacylondoner
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Cole Turner - @coleturner
Estelle Weyl - Gluten-free Oreo cookies
Eric Meyer - perfwork.com (Web Performance Job board)
Eric Meyer - Mat Marquis Javascript for Web Designers A Book Apart
Eric Meyer - Estelle’s Tracker for Menstrual Cycle Web App
Ryan Burgess - Dewalt Air Inflator
Stacy London - CSS: The Definitive Guide by Eric Meyer & Estelle Weyl
Stacy London - Vertebrae / Forgotten Places by Max Cooper
Augustus Yuan - Arc
Cole Turner - Wagwellies dog crocs
Cole Turner - BigMouth Inc. Ginormous Inflatable Green Dinosaur Yard Summer Sprinkler
Episode transcript: https://www.frontendhappyhour.com/episodes/css-cascading-sips-of-sangria