Front Row Dads with Jon Vroman
All right, fellas. Today’s episode is a special one with a bit of a twist. First, I’m joined by an amazing husband and his loving wife, who just happen to have a pretty crazy love story.
You will literally hear the love and respect they have for each other. Not just as business partners but how they are thriving as a blended family and how they handled the co-parenting situation early on, which most step-parents will tell you can be very tricky.
For context: When Joseph came into the picture, Alana was already married with 3 kids, and they all worked together (including Alana’s now ex-husband) in Costa Rica. I won’t spoil the rest. You’ll have to hear it for yourself.
Here are a few things you need to know about them. Joseph Davis Bliss is the Founder of Dads Here Now, where he offers coaching and mentorship to like-minded dads who want to show up as their best selves for their families. This is very much in line with what we’re doing here at Front Row Dads.
Alana Bliss has been a certified Permaculture designer and teacher for nearly 20 years. Together, they are creating an eco-village and community designed around sustainable multifamily neighborhoods which is pretty awesome.
I’ll simply tee up the episode by saying: How they handled the beginning stages of their relationship is really beautiful. And what they’re doing together as eco-friendly business partners is equally amazing.
And when you hear Joseph talk about not being able to tell her kids “Because I said so” and how he’s earned their respect, it’s pretty incredible.
In our conversation, you’ll learn:
Some of my favorite moments of the conversation:
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We are in the business of building better families.
While most dads would say that family matters most, the challenge is they feel guilty knowing their careers get the best of them, and their family seems to get the rest of them.
We help Dads become family men with businesses, not businessmen who have families, so they can thrive personally AND professionally.
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