John Boorman's 1972 adaptation of James Dickey's novel "Deliverance" is a unique New Hollywood film in that its origins lie more in the older studio system yet the film upon release would become of of the most notorious films of its time and an iconic classic that's still discussed and debated today. On this episode of the podcast my friend and returning FCAC guest Ted Jessup joins to talk about a film he's loved and been traumatized by since he was 13 (see Ep 86 'The Odessa File' and Ep 75 'Rosemary's Baby' for more Ted on the pod). A sort-of Western, a dissection of toxic male behavior, a hillbilly noir, a slam of Southern culture...the film has been used and abused by decades of opinionated takes but in this episode we take a fresh look at this remarkable film and appreciate its powers anew.
Ted's Wikipedia page.
Listen to Ted's FCAC episode on Rosemary's Baby
Listen to Ted's FCAC episode on The Odessa File