Public Enemy's churning, propulsive 'Fight The Power" was like a Batman logo swirling in the air across America in 1989 as Spike Lee's 3rd feature 'Do The Right Thing' hit theaters to the kind of fearful white fright and tut tutting from "thinkers" and reviewers too hidebound in their own bubble to receive this transmission from a filmmaker perfectly formed to speak in his films in a way no mainstream writer and director had to date. Hugely popular, controversial, conversation-starting 'Do The Right Thing' is a landmark American movie. But it's also hilariously funny, remarkably even-handed and without conclusive answers in a way that still feels incredibly brave and realistic. Pitched in a heightened color-scape and with indelible performances from a fantastic cast, 'Do The Right Thing' more than holds up today; it reminds us just how far we haven't come as a Nation in subsequent years.