Fun Astrology with Thomas Miller
Let's take a pause in looking at daily energy - we certainly had enough of that yesterday - and look ahead for about the next six weeks. Here are some important dates coming up:
Now - Uranus square Mars/Mercury (this remains pretty much throughout July)
July 4 - Venus moves into Cancer
July 7 - Mercury Retrograde (thru July 30)
July 9 - The Ascendant moves out of Cancer
July 16 - Full Moon in Capricorn / Lunar Eclipse (partial)
July 19 - Mercury moves back into Cancer
July 22 - Sun into Leo
July 30 - Mercury stations to go direct
July 31 - Aug 15 - Mercury shoulder period
Aug 15 - Major new energies in place for the rest of the year
Jan 5 ,2020 at around 10:45 pm - Saturn & Pluto are conjunct at 22 degrees Capricorn
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