For most of the 20th century, a man in black appeared each year at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe. In the predawn hours of January 19, he would drink a toast with French cognac and leave behind three roses in a distinctive arrangement. No one knows who he was or why he did this. In this episode of the Futility Closet podcast we'll review the history of the "Poe Toaster" and his long association with the great poet's memorial.
We'll also consider whether Winnie-the-Pooh should be placed on Ritalin and puzzle over why a man would shoot an unoffending monk.
Sources for our segment on the Poe Toaster:
"Mystery Man's Annual Visit to Poe Grave," China Daily, Jan. 20, 2008.
"Poe Toaster Remains a Mystery," WBAL Radio, Jan. 19, 2013.
"'Toaster' Rejects French Cognac at Poe's grave," Washington Times, Jan. 19, 2004.
Sarah Brumfield, "Poe Fans Call an End to 'Toaster' Tradition," AP News, Jan. 19, 2012.
Liz F. Kay, "Poe Toaster Tribute Is 'Nevermore'," Baltimore Sun, Jan. 19, 2010.
Michael Madden, "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Poe Toaster," Baltimore Sun, Jan. 26, 2011.
Mary Carole McCauley, "Poe Museum Could Reopen in Fall," Baltimore Sun, Jan. 20, 2013.
Ben Nuckols and Joseph White, "Edgar Allan Poe's Mysterious Birthday Visitor Doesn't Show This Year," Huffington Post, March 21, 2010 (accessed Dec. 1, 2014).
Here's the only known photo of the toaster, taken at his 1990 apparition and published in the July 1990 issue of Life magazine:
The psychiatric diagnoses of Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends appear in Sarah E. Shea, Kevin Gordon, Ann Hawkins, Janet Kawchuk, and Donna Smith, "Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: A Neurodevelopmental Perspective on A.A. Milne," Canadian Medical Association Journal, Dec. 12, 2000.
Many thanks to Harry’s for supporting this week’s episode. Enter coupon code CLOSETHOLIDAY and get $5 off a Winter Winston set at
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Many thanks to Doug Ross for the music in this episode.
If you have any questions or comments you can reach us at [email protected]. Thanks for listening!