Matt Wolfe (@mattwolfe) and Daniel Solis (@danielsolis) join James Meyers (@apollocontinuum) to discuss Kickstarter projects from the perspective of designers who are also not publishers.
- 0:00:48 - What's in the Oven?
- 0:03:56 - Main topic: Kickstarter from a Designer’s Role
- 1:03:57 - News
Mentioned in this episode:
- Happy Birthday Robot (Summer 2010)
- Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple (2010)
- Writer’s Dice (2011)
- Wombat Rescue (Summer 2015)
- Avalanche at Yeti Mountain ( Fall 2015)
- Kodama: The Tree Spirits (Fall 2015)
- Kintsugi (Fall 2017 as part of the Hero-Tec campaign)
- Kodama Duo (Summer 2018)
- We have an Asheville chapter now! Contact Julio Nazario for information. Twitter handle @Junazaru
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