Game Pass or Pass has been a fun time so far. But as games have become larger than ever and Game Pass Securing more and more content its becoming really hard for us to get content out in a timely manner. With smaller games its easy to find time to get a good grasp of how we feel. But with larger games it can take a couple weeks to fully understand how we feel about it.
With that in mind we have decided to start adding some new content to the feed that stays in spirit with the show.
We will be adding 2 new types of episodes that are different from the format. We will be adding more opinion based episodes that still pertain to Game Pass that focus on things like the market in which Game Pass in Effecting and things like Quality Control in the library.
We will also be adding some episodes on a less frequent basis that are in the same Spirit and Game Pass or Pass but focuses on movies. Years ago before Covid we had the idea of a sister show called, Movie Pass or Pass. As this was the height of the Movie Pass era that died a very public death, it made sense then. But now with Movie Pass dead and buried it didn't make sense to make a whole show. We see a lot of movies an sometimes we do a lot of pre-show ramble about movies' in general so we figured why not record it and offer it as a bonus episode.
In terms of frequency, we will mot be adding these new types of episode's at a high rate. They will be supplemental to the GPOP lineup which still remains our focus. Sometimes there might be more to talk about so the frequency could pick up, but there will be other times we might not have much to say or there could be a lack of new topics.
As always please let us know your feedback at [email protected] or call and leave us a voicemail: (574) 651-9256
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