[News] Neil, Lewis and Will Apologies for Will’s audio feed, he was having issues with his new mic and even his old one tried to scupper his audio.Sony changes is online strategy and No more comics for you young lad!Mass Effect approaches Massive Minefield.Wii-U has an on-line strategy, honest!Rent-a-Quote.Microsoft missed out on future tech.EA Takes a second look in the mirror.
Dont forget to vote in this months GameBurst Replay The Nominations for GameBurst Replay August:- Boom Blox (Runner-up)- Batman: Arkham Asylum (James B)- Infamous (Major Lag)- Stuntman: Ignition (Gary)How to Vote - ExamplesTwitter:@GameBurst 1st Boom Blox, 2nd Batman: Arkham Asylum #gbreplayFacebook:1st Infamous, 2nd Stuntman: Ignition