Garden Basics with Farmer Fred
Yes, it is the second week of July, but it’s not too late to plant tomatoes, especially early maturing varieties in large containers. America’s Favorite Retired College Horticulture Professor, Debbie Flower, has the mid-summer tomato planting tips.
And mid-July is not too early to think about getting ready for your fall garden. Maybe try something different this year, something that could spend the winter in the ground, and actually end up sweeter and better tasting. We’re talking about an old American and European fall planted root crop that is regaining popularity, the parsnip.
Everyone wants things faster: faster internet, faster drive thru restaurants, faster maturing plants. Ha! You can’t rush Mother Nature. Give that plant at least 3 years to get growing. We explain the time honored garden saying: sleep, creep, leap.
We’re podcasting from Barking Dog Studios here in the beautiful Abutilon Jungle in Suburban Purgatory. It’s the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast, brought to you today by Smart Pots. And we will do it all in under 30 minutes. Let’s go!
Previous episodes, links, product information, and transcripts at the new home site for Garden Basics with Farmer Fred, Transcripts and episode chapters also available at Buzzsprout
Pictured: Tomato in container
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Smart Pots
Dave Wilson Nursery
FF Rant Fast Maturing Tomato Varieties (Also Winter Tomatoes)
Growing Parsnips
Book: “Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening” by Matt Mattus
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All About Farmer Fred:
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The Garden Basics with Farmer Fred Newsletter, Beyond the Basics
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Facebook: "Get Growing with Farmer Fred"
Instagram: farmerfredhoffman
Farmer Fred Garden Minute Videos on YouTube
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