Garza & Ernie talk going to therapy, Sick New World & much more!
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CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Ernie & Eddie Daydrinking 08:20 - Slipknot at Pioneertown w/ Eloy? 12:56 - Sick New World 13:44 - Who Is Slipknot’s New Drummer? 15:33 - Ernie Going to Therapy 21:16 - Ernie’s Therapy Breakthroughs 29:23 - Playing Drums as Therapy, Dealing w/ Trauma 34:25 - Being Vulnerable in a Relationship 38:51 - Having a New Perspective 44:29 - Looking Forward to Genuine Connections 45:51 - Demons & Karma 53:39 - The Last Time Ernie Prayed 57:38 - Religion 1:02:13 - Ernie’s Self-Improvement 1:05:50 - Garza’s Upcoming 7-String 1:13:18 - Sick New World 1:17:49 - PowerSlap