DEVOURMENT is an American death metal band from Dallas, Texas. The heaviest band on the planet.
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DEVOURMENT is: Ruben Rosas, Brad Fincher, Chris Andrews & Dave Spencer
00:00 - On Tour With Ingested
03:04 - Paving the way for Slam & Deathcore
05:56 - Devourment started in ‘95.
12:36 - Special Formula
14:32 - Being About That Groove
21:06 - How Did Brad and Ruben Meet?
23:04 - 1:38 on the clock
25:57 - Writing process for Molesting the Decapitated 1999
30:16 - The Infamous Album Cover
36:55 - Recording MTD in the 90s and its Effect on Heavy Music
39:40 - Cryptopsy
43:07 - Unique Blasting Techniques
45:45 - The Legendary Glen Benton/Deicide
48:00 - Having a Solid Lineup/Ruben Continuing Devourment After Brad Left
55:35 - Texas Death metal Scene in the 90s/2000s
57:48 - (2:13 on the clock - Slayer Reference)
59:34 - Cannibal Corpse
01:01:24 - Obscene Majesty 2019
01:05:32 - Focusing on New Material and the Future
01:12:25 - Non-Metal Influences and Song Structure
01:18:55 - Devourment is the Heaviest Band on the Planet