00:06:42 - Skip Intro Music
00:07:35 - Vitamin D – the new antibiotic against skin and gut infections
00:21:39 - Vitamin E, anabolic / catatoxic steroids, egg yolks stop soft tissue calcification and (maybe) even aging
00:33:27 - Eating 1 lb of sugar daily has strikingly positive effects on (male) fertility
00:41:48 - In most cases, genes have less than 5% contribution to disease risk
00:59:21 - NAD/NADH Ratio: The One Metabolic Cause To Rule Them All ("This leads us to the first rule of electrobiology: the living state is the electronically desaturated state of molecules, and the degree of development and differentiation is a function of the degree of electronic desaturation." Albert Szent-Györgyi)
01:28:12 - Super Chats