00:10:52 - Skip Setup Music
00:19:01 - What is knowledge?
00:22:07 - "...I think you have to start and end with the experience of being an animal in the world." RP (2019)
00:27:36 - Pavlov's first- and second-signal system
00:32:51 - Declining societal health
00:37:30 - Excessive verbalization
00:41:32 - Recreating your history
00:45:32 - "The study of vaccines, 'vaccinology,' in isolation from the developmental effects of nutrition and environmental stress, is a pseudoscience, blind to the mechanisms that produce harmful long range effects." Contexts for Vaccinations by Ray Peat, PhD (2020)
00:50:19 - PUFA, viral infections, and immunity
00:52:58 - Prasad A., et al. Role of calcium and ROS in cell death induced by polyunsaturated fatty acids in murine thymocytes. J Cell Physiol. 2010 Nov;225(3):829-36. "An increase in intracellular calcium is the first event to occur.”
"These results suggest that the six PUFAs we studied kill thymocytes by causing release of calcium from endoplasmic reticulum, which causes release of ROS from mitochondria which leads to cell death.” "It is perhaps surprising that essential lipids that are supposed to be so good for health are so potent at killing cells."
00:54:09 - "Herd immunity"
00:56:52 - Immunity, cancer, and endotoxin
01:00:45 - Warburg effect, lactic acid, and cancer
01:02:45 - Endotoxin, antibiotics, cancer, medical culture, PMS
01:08:07 - The use of cortisol and morphine for cancer
01:09:10 - Danny way too loud and Paul Ehrlich
01:10:29 - Cell receptors as "sense organs"
01:14:42 - Resurgence of estrogen HRT
01:18:33 - We lose Ray and call him back
01:20:30 - Ray is back
01:22:41 - Estrogen, reductive stress, and cancer
01:23:00 - What is Ray's motivation? What is his general view of health and sickness?
01:28:26 - Ray is following in the tradition of Albert Szent-Györgyi, Otto Warburg, William F. Koch, J.C. Bose, etc.
01:30:09 - Sick animals and people tend to retreat...
01:33:04 - Is there a way forward with the current political system?
01:40:20 - Has an empire ever been reformed?
01:46:10 - "The reason I talk more about biology than politics is that the various radical movements generally have inflexibilities that keep them apart. People need to start understanding that the system is systematically murdering them, and understanding that the situation is desperate, they need to see that solidarity with life, against capital, is their hope." Raymond Peat, PhD (2018)
01:48:07 - Organizing the panic interview with Ray Peat
01:55:43 - Consciousness as a basic property of matter
02:01:55 - Mitochondrial metabolism and resonance
02:06:55 - Rupert Sheldrake and morphic resonance
02:09:35 - David Bohm and creation
02:13:15 - What is time?