00:04:11 - Skip setup music
00:07:23 - What is China's population going to do when everything becomes automated?
00:08:18 - 'Destroy the economy to save the empire'
00:09:29 - What does protecting the empire have to do with clamping down on the citizenry?
00:10:20 - "Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population..."The Technocrat Magazine (1938)
00:15:52 - Agriculture and government subsidies
00:17:11 - The media is an extension of the CIA
00:23:40 - What did the Chinese "take the coronavirus bait"?
00:24:23 - The WHO flip-flop, Event 201, Rockefeller Foundation "Lock Step" Scenario
00:24:24 - Investigative journalist Harry Vox in 2014
00:26:32 - Surveillance of possible threats, assassinations
00:31:26 - Kay Griggs interviews
00:35:12 - What is Bill Gates' role in all of this?
00:38:07 - Person planned obsolescence
00:39:36 - Bill Moyers Interviews Bill Gates
00:41:03 - Ray on Anthony Fauci
00:41:39 - Why did Trump let Fauci run the show?
00:42:08 - Will the economy ever recover?
00:46:00 - UBI would be favorable for maintaining the technocratic slave grid
00:47:15 - Similar to the veterans of 9/11, the new heroes, doctors, will be used to push an agenda
00:49:10 - Did Ray anticipate a medical pandemic as a catalyst for transforming society?
00:51:21 - HCG laced vaccines as "a mass sterilization exercise"
00:52:36 - “We must depopulate!” -elite
“We want to save your lives!” -same elite
00:54:33 - HCG is not safe to use
00:56:45 - Why do the "giants of civilization" aesthetically look evil?
00:58:26 - Ray's conversation with a Fort Dietrich employee on the genesis of HIV/AIDS
01:00:02 - Did the depopulation plan change at some point?
01:01:16 - Do the elites possess antidotes to the poisons they're creating?
01:02:00 - Decreasing brain size and IQ with increased vaccinations
01:03:27 - Philanthropic Power and Development - Who shapes the agenda?
01:05:20 - The far-right's view on the health care system
01:09:04 - “I met him,” Gates told the Journal. “I didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with him. I didn’t go to New Mexico or Florida or Palm Beach or any of that. There were people around him who were saying, hey, if you want to raise money for global health and get more philanthropy, he knows a lot of rich people.” Bill Gates to WSJ about Epstein
01:13:53 - Brzezinski, Rockefeller, Kissinger, and The Trilateral Commission
01:14:57 - "Which one is worse? The possibility of getting a virus that could kill you, especially if you have comorbidities, or... have your life savings wiped out, your home foreclosed, your car repossessed, your kid's college dreams crushed, and living on welfare?"
01:15:43 - Ray's view of disease transmission, viruses, exosomes
01:23:53 - 'The primary purpose of viruses may be horizontal gene transfer'
01:25:17 - Nurses taking on the characteristics of sick patients
01:26:56 - Does Ray still teach?
01:30:40 - Here are Ray's questions that you can pass on to Mary:
1) If you could get her to expand on her remark "the Mead acid acts as a "filler" fatty acid that cannot serve the functions that the original EFA are needed for," I would be interested to know whether she has something particular in mind.
2) Where did she learn about my training in misinformation--I never list it on my resume.
3) I agree that people need more vitamin A and D than they usually get, but I'm not confident of the safety of any of the common sources. (2005)