00:00 - Setup music start
02:35 - Skip setup music
02:36 - Current events catch-up
19:25 - Idealabs TocoVit giveaway instructions
21:33 - Orange juice (OJ) as therapy for all coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2
26:16 - Are fruits "bags of sugar"?
28:58 - DHT is an estrogen (receptor) antagonist
33:18 - Thoughts on the development of finasteride (pseudohermaphrodites)
44:24 - Fasting ups estrogen & cortisol, decimates vitamin D, may cause diabetes
50:05 - Low-carb, fasting, and chronic stress as an "assault" on your sugar metabolism system, weight gain, beyond nutrition
01:07:22 - Ear wax testing as a reliable method for measuring long-term steroid levels
01:11:05 - Lowering estrogen prevents memory decline in menopausal females
01:12:58 - Estrogen can both cause and exacerbate Lupus
01:16:35 - Video question: liver health, ALT, choline, redox, nafld
01:27:26 - Face masks (at best) ineffective against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 and flu
01:30:41 - "What need is there to worry about a murderous environment when doctors are industrially equipped to act as life-savers!" Medical Nemesis by Ivan Illich (1976)
01:33:41 - Asthma can be caused by endotoxin (LPS)…from air filters
01:49:47 - “The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important." Abraham Maslow