00:00 - Approaching nutrition in an open anti-authoritarian way
01:30 - What is the problem with authoritarianism in nutrition?
03:09 - How do you approach the subject of nutrition? "In context" suggestions
05:20 - Ray Peat on the silliness of "The Ray Peat Diet"
06:35 - Are most people beyond dietary intervention? The human diet almost always contained thyroid
08:41 - Why don't some people feel comfortable with thyroid?
12:18 - Is the look of obesity due to the accumulation of mucopolysaccharides?
13:25 - "If your thyroid is working efficiently, your pituitary doesn't have much to do and you're not likely to get a pituitary tumor, your adrenals don't have much to do, and your ovaries don't get over stimulated. The other glands have an easy job when your thyroid is working right. If your thyroid gets interfered with, you have to rev up your adrenals and your pituitary becomes commander in chief and tells everyone what to do.” Ray Peat (2017)
15:02 - W.D. Denckla
16:13 - What does Ray think about his video interviews hitting YouTube?
17:26 - Final points on anti-authoritarian nutrition
19:44 - What if someone's orienting reflex is "broken"?
22:51 - Ray's motivation for his new newsletter
25:37 - Potential of human society hasn't been explored, Kropotkin
26:24 - Cilium as a sensing organlle
28:58 - Georgi arrives, critical aspects of Ray's new newsletter
32:26 - Combining consciousness of organisms
34:16 - Cosmic Clocks by Michel Gauquelin, vibration
41:45 - How was remote viewing research applied?
42:43 - Fake alien invasion
43:05 - 'Progesterone is useful for any health problem'
44:57 - 'Hormones are useful in our horrific environment'
46:16 - 'Real society would include our animal friends'
47:39 - 'Is there anything that thyroid does that progesterone doesn't?'
49:57 - Question: Is the source of all knowledge experience?
52:21 - Question: Are some principles worth dying for? Pituitary, death, growth hormone, hypoxia
59:32 - Question: Why was Artistotle a good scientist?
01:01:06 - Question: How does metabolic stress begin?
01:02:31 - Question: How does Ray organize his research?
01:06:53 - Question: Can Ray go over his week of eating?
01:09:23 - Question: How does our metabolism affect our thoughts and feelings?
01:13:13 - Question: Why are some people so submissive to authority?
01:13:54 - Question: Ray's thoughts on Chernobyl reactivating
01:15:29 - Question: How to reduce body hair?
01:17:35 - Question: Is there a way to remineralize teeth and heal cavities?
01:21:35 - Unz article about germ warfare, ACE2, China, Luc Montagnier, exosomes, mRNA vaccines, variants
01:35:11 - Ray's thoughts on Israel and Palestine, Netanyahu
01:39:15 - Bill Gates being thrown under the bus
01:41:47 - Danny thinks the real olive oil on the carrot or mushrooms is a revelation
01:42:46 - Orange peel wax