00:00 - Start, why are we doing a fundraiser?
01:58 - Trestolone 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT), activation of the androgen receptor, adding a methyl group to a steroid makes it risky
04:46 - What would Ray do if he had Crohn's disease? Mycobacteria, supplementing with cellulose
09:56 - Cortisol blockers for weight loss? Progesterone, thyroid
10:38 - Do you want to increase ceruloplasmin? Copper toxicity
12:55 - Does nitric oxide work like viagra?
14:36 - Lactose-free milk and is aspirin safe to take every day?
15:43 - Low sperm count, varicocele, aspirin, progesterone, thyroid, testosterone, estrogen
18:14 - Ray's thoughts on ivermectin, vitamin D, coronavirus
22:46 - Hypothyroidism in children?
24:53 - Can thyroid hormone lower the temperature?
28:20 - Why are people getting flu and cold symptoms right now?
30:03 - Is vaccination a tradeoff?
32:19 - What steroids would be useful for building big muscles? Testosterone, estrogen, DHEA, 'thyroid is the basic anabolic hormone'
36:52 - Sleep apnea, CPAP, CO2, hypothyroidism, progesterone, acetazolamide
40:26 - Diabetic pain in the feet, T4 only therapy, thyroid gland removal, armour, cynoplus, cynomel
43:02 - Progest-E by Kenogen, email Katherine at
[email protected], progesterone as a basic stabilizing factor
44:58 - Ray's thoughts on ethically composing a "cosmic diet"
46:25 - Benign tumor metabolism, progesterone, fibrosis, estrogen, nitric oxide
48:38 - Gynecomastia, vitamin D, progesterone, thyroid, aspirin
49:25 - When did the U.S. transform into an empire?
52:26 - Inability to ejaculate and get an erection, getting blood tests, low heart rate, hypothyroidism
54:49 - Herbs for DHT production?
55:29 - Can T3 harm the thyroid gland if used chronically?
58:17 - Pregnenolone, adrenal suppression, progesterone, stress
01:02:29 - Increasing libido and energy in a young woman after childbirth, vitamin D, calcium, thyroid
01:03:31 - How to reverse the aging process? CO2 as a cardinal adsorbent, flavanoids, fisetin
01:11:26 - Raising levels of the ACE2 enzyme for health, anti-viral effects of progesterone
01:14:06 - Getting rid of acne scars
01:15:12 - Taking thyroid but the morning temperature isn't increasing
01:16:01 - Diabetes, swollen purple legs, and significant edema, vitamin D, calcium, progesterone, thyroid, a lower-fat diet
01:17:27 - Best things to increase mitochondrial function, CO2, angiotensin inhibitors
01:18:17 - Correcting a thyroid nodule, TSH
01:19:03 - Excess saliva
01:19:35 - 16-year old breast cancer, estrogen, progesterone, aspirin, thyroid
01:20:18 - T3 and body odor, sulfur soap
01:21:09 - Nicotine as a prometabolic substance?
01:22:49 - How to lengthen the luteal phase?
01:23:45 - A daily progesterone amount for men?
01:25:20 - Is the Herxheimer reaction real? Harry Rubin's findings about cancer treatment
01:29:15 - A bioenergetic view of THC and CBD?
01:31:10 - Ray's essential 'prepper' food items
01:34:16 - Lump in the throat from cynoplus and cynomel, how much is too much with T3? Does Ray chew the cynoplus/cynomel?
01:36:16 - Varicose veins from progesterone or pregnenolone? What's a big dose of progesterone?
01:39:16 - What does Ray think of the croissant diet?
01:40:29 - What amount of alcohol is enough for lipofuscin?
01:41:18 - How to restore the outer layer of the adrenal gland?
01:42:12 - Can the temperature and pulse be maintained by stress? How long does it take to adapt to a thyroid supplement?
01:45:19 - What is Ray working on right now?
01:46:45 - Magnetofection?
01:48:04 - How to use progesterone to post-pone menopause?
01:49:36 - Benefits of allopregnanolone?
01:49:51 - Very dry palms, hypothyroidism, sebum, sweat
01:50:31 - How to tell if sugar is converting into CO2 or lactic acid?
01:50:59 - 1000 calories for weight loss? RU486 cortisol blocker, how many calories to eat?
01:53:44 - Kids dying as the result of vaccination