00:00 - Catch-up with Keith, Keith's introduction to Ray
10:36 - The usefulness of thyroid hormone supplementation, the problem with lab tests
14:05 - Is thyroid hormone supplementation natural?
16:53 - How does a person investigate thyroid hormone supplementation? Taking too much at once
22:30 - Amounts of thyroid to investigate (one grain = ~12.5 micrograms of T3 and ~50 micrograms of T4)
25:16 - Broda Barnes. Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. 1976 "The proper dosage for any individual is the minimum needed to relieve symptoms. Most commonly, in adults, this is two grains; three grains sometimes are needed. rarely four grains may be required. The basal temperature may still be a little low. but one is treating symptoms, not temperature per se."
29:19 - T3 to T4 ratio
31:26 - Metrics to help a person gain autonomy with thyroid: pulse, cholesterol, temperature, edema, etc.
34:32 - Digestive problems and supplemental thyroid, low cholesterol, nitric oxide
37:54 - Keith's research on thyroid function and pollution, air conditioning
42:45 - Keith's social media, how to work with him
44:57 - Question: what does revere T3 do?
48:55 - The role of oysters and liver in nutrition, vitamin A, prealbumin (transthyretin)
48:55 - Question: high adrenaline, fear, CO2
55:33 - Question: thoughts on natural desiccated thyroid vs. synthetic?
01:03:57 - Question: thyroid hormone supplementation timing
01:04:46 - Question: how is Keith preparing for an inhospitable future for nonconformists
01:07:28 - Question: post-vaccine protection? Insensitivity to a dangerous therapy as a sign of a poor quality of life
01:13:29 - Question: how could estrogen make a person feel good?
01:18:12 - Question: what is the main problem with omega-3 fats? EPA as a COX-2 inhibitor, lipid peroxidation