Where to even begin?
Dr. Greta Bowling joins the podcast for Episode 24, which is action-packed from start to finish. It is our longest episode to date that you won't want to miss a second of. It is chalk full of knowledges, tangents (Is Ryan Gosling Hot or Not?), poems, corrections, rants, Freudian slips, and flat-out derailments. Some NewNews quick hits: the naked mole rat strikes again seizing the moment, we learn about the weird feeding habits of the cone snail, and the Amazon Rain Forest is no longer a net carbon sink.
The episode begins by diving deep into all things coral reefs. We start our discussion with the geologic setting of coral reefs and then segue into biological realm of reefs. We talk about the diversity of coral environments, some of the more famous reefs, some key characteristics they exhibit, and describe various coral organisms along with their symbiotic pals. Between the bars, we present to you another Mineral Minute that was sponsored by the potassic-magnesio fluoro sodium amphibole, Fluoroarfvedsonite.
We wrap up the back half with talks of natural factors, such as ENSO and predation, and anthropogenic factors, such as overfishing, plastics, acidification, and warming ocean temperatures) endangering fragile ecosystems. There is some debate about Silica versus Carbon regarding coral evolution, HotDog stands are used as a Coral Metaphor, and reefs may create their own sunscreen. Say what?! We close things out with some of our least favorite music genres, and Bryan may or may not lose his cool during this week's That Freaking Rocks.
Some of our favorite words include:
Remember to Be Cool, Stay Tuned, and Keep It On The Rocks!