There have been three deck dumps in Modern since the release of MH1 and the set has had way more of an impact than just Hogaak. Gerry and Bryan go through the most recent deck dump, looking for buried treasure in Modern.
Mega Man 2 "Ending theme"
Remix by zookun | Music composed by Manami Matsumae & Takashi Tateishi
B2L Kiki-Jiki - 10:11
As Foretold - 12:49
Mono-White Eldrazi - 15:38
Esper Control - 17:46
Jund - 20:13
Izzet Delver - 22:31
Rakdos - 26:26
Merfolk - 29:29
Thopter Sword - 31:50
Sultai Reclamation - 34:31
Naya Aggro - 35:24
Mardu Pyromancer - 37:19
Azorius Control - 42:25
Dimir Midrange - 43:00
Temur Delver - 47:21
Grixis Urza - 49:32
Jeskai - 51:54
Izzet Phoenix - 54:54
Izzet Kiln Fiend - 59:22
Esper - 1:00:45
Esper Shadow - 1:02:30
Bant Spirits - 1:05:31
Druid combo - 1:06:59
Ninjas - 1:20:33
Mono-Black Karn control - 1:12:35
Vampires - 1:14:32
B2L Scapeshift - 1:17:52
Faeries - 1:19:32
Temur stuff - 1:22:48
Mono-Green LD - 1:24:09
Hogaak - 1:24:36
Amulet Druid - 1:28:45
Burn - 1:33:48
Goblins - 1:35:45
Jeskai Humans - 1:39:12
Question of the week - 1:43:54