It’s Episode 115 of The GAM Podcast and regular contributor Cedric Phillips is filling in for an ailing Gerry T. Cedric and Bryan were eye witnesses to the formation of the Week 1 standard metagame this past weekend in Indianapolis. What were their takeaways from the first SCG Tour event of new Standard? They’re happy to share and are also diving back into the Magic Online 5-0 decklists as they search for the next big thing in Standard!
Intro music
Mario Kart 64 "Dreaming Racing" (OC Remix #396)
• ReMixer: prozax | Composer: Kenta Nagata
Outro music
Spyro the Dragon "Artisans" (OC Remix #3592)
• ReMixer: Laarx | Composer: Stewart Copeland
SCGINDY - 3:29
Rakdos aggro - 10:32
Sultai - 17:50
Midrange Gates - 22:39
Big Gruul - 28:02
Azorius aggro - 30:13
Bant tokens - 40:31
Esper midrange - 46:49
Mono-red aggro - 50:20
Izzet Drakes - 58:01
Mono-blue - 1:05:02
Question of the week - 1:15:44