In the early 1900s, the town of Champawat was terrorized by a tigress who specialized in killing and consuming humans. We recount her last kill, and her ultimate demise.We also talk to tiger biologist
Sam Helle and get insight on how to avoid tiger conflicts in Nepal, and she gives an update on tiger conservation there.
The National Trust for Nature Conservation Nepal:
Facebook, TwitterDr. Babu Ram Lamichhane Twitter: @
1baburamSabita Malla WWF-Nepal Senior Research Officer:
WWF ArticleDr. Naresh Subedi:
Community Based Anti-Poaching Units (CBAPUs); You can either contact them directly to donate or
donate to Katie Adamson Conservation Fund and request funds be sent to Bardia and Chitwan's CBAPUs .
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Disclaimer: This is not professional advice; Follow at your own risk.