In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with
Dr. Babu Ram Lamichhane, Senior Conservation Officer/Officer in Charge of the NTNC Biodiversity Conservation Center in Chitwan, Nepal. He is also a member of the IUCN/SSC Asian rhino, bear, and crocodile Specialist Groups. He got his doctorate in biology, and his PhD thesis is titled "Living with the Large Carnivores: The interaction between humans, tigers and leopards in Chitwan National Park, Nepal".
What's it like to grow up and live around leopards? Do they really live up to their reputation as human hunters? Are there any patterns to the types of people they kill, and how can you avoid being attacked by one? Tune in to hear the answers to these questions and more in our interview with Dr. Babu Ram.
You can find Babu Ram on Twitter
@1baburam and you can find his Google Scholar profile
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