Our patrons voted: Walruses!
Walruses (
Odobenus rosmarus) are large pinnipeds that can be up to 11 feet long and weigh nearly 2 tons, with tusks up to a meter long extending from their mouths. They typically live in the arctic, meaning their interactions with humans are limited...
But there are early accounts of walruses attacking humans, and even captive walruses are known to attack humans. We cover some attack stories, along with
why and how walruses play with dead birds, and how some transient walruses have been causing trouble in the last few years.
Visit the
US Fish and Wildlife Service's website to find out more ways you can stay safe around wild walruses while keeping them safe too.
If you observe someone harassing or injuring a walrus in the U.S., please contact their Office of Law Enforcement at (877) 535-1795 or (800) 858-7621Support the show for free by
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