Thank you to everyone who contributed stories to this episode!
We start by discussing a brutal attack on a Georgia man earlier this year by 3 dogs that nearly ended in his death, and we end with a special story written in by someone who knew our last victim.
Report coyote sightings in Cape Breton Highlands National Park to
In British Columbia, report coyote sightings or unsafe wildlife behavior to the province by calling
In Alberta, report dangerous wildlife encounters to the nearest Fish and Wildlife office at
310-0000, or call the 24-hour
Report a Poacher line at 1-800-642-3800.
And finally, you can find Amie Adamson's book,
Walking Out: One Teacher's Reflections on Walking Out of the Classroom to Walk America, online or at your local bookstore.
You can get yourself a personal leather keychain from Fae Craft Workshop at the show for free by
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