Well met friends! In this episode of the Get Piped Podcast, Adam and Nick discuss their March Madness inspired bracket contest, Legends of the Pipe. There is still time to submit your bracket to win some GP merch and some other awesome prizes.
Need the bracket? Head to the Instagram or Discord links below or send an email to [email protected] and we will send it to you. Then send it back to us through IG, Discord, or email to be entered in to win. The most perfect bracket will be title Legend of Legends of the Pipe. All entries must be in by 3:59am EST on March 10th, 2022.
The “What’s Up In Smoke” series captures all of the “one-off” episodes on the GPP. They can range from important announcements, to pipe shows, and everything else in between! This series gives Adam and Nick the freedom to discuss, well, what’s up in smoke(ing)!
Introductions/Chatting (00:00-14:00)
Piping in Public (14:00-41:30)
OverUnder/Trivia (41:30-54:30)
Closings (54:30-End)
Also, don't forget to subscribe to the GPP so you never miss an episode.
We want to hear from you! If you have any further questions, comments, or recommendations, send them to [email protected].
Follow Get Piped on Instagram.
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Join the Get Piped community Discord here.
Check out the Get Piped merch store.
GPP is created by Adam Floyd (Get Piped) and edited by Nick Masella (CoProducerGuy). Music for this episode is from StreamBeats. Check out Gary’s podcast here (listener discretion advised).
PURCHASE BATTLE OF THE BRIAR FOREVER: https://www.patreon.com/GetPiped/shop/battle-of-briar-pipe-smoking-documentary-690160
Don't forget to subscribe/follow the GPP so you never miss an episode.
We want to hear from you! If you have any further questions, comments, or recommendations, send them to [email protected].
Follow Get Piped on Instagram. Follow Producer Guy on Instagram.
Check out the Get Piped YouTube for more content.
Join the Get Piped community Discord here.
Support the GPP by joining the Patreon.
Check out the Get Piped merch store.
GPP is created by Adam Floyd (Get Piped)
GPP is produced by Nick Masella (Producer Guy).
Music for this episode is from StreamBeats.