Well met friends! In this episode of the Get Piped Podcast, Adam and Nick introduce a new series (big surprise there) called Pipe Lines.
In the new series, Adam and Nick will discuss a real life event or person where pipe smoking occurred and give their own thoughts and opinions on what may have been happening.
Introductions/Chatting (00:00-21:00)
Pipe Lines (21:00-54:40)
OverUnder/Just the Tip (54:40-1:14:30)
Closings (1:14:30-1:20:49)
Adam's Poems
There once was a piper named Pete
And he shrunk and he shrunk and he shrunk and he shrunk and he shrunk
And he shrunk and he shrunk
But he stopped shrinking when he reached my pipe shelf
O he heard on the news that his neighbors were red
And he loaded his pipe with tears in his eyes.
He took his wife’s hand, picked his daughter from bed
Then away the three went before his country capsized.
O far did they go, long way from the fire
With the smoke from his bowl lazily floating above
Deep was their fear, amidst the fading gunfire
Slashed was his heart, for home he was deprived of
O days became weeks since his car left the land
His pipe, now charred, burned, and cracked at at the heel
His maiden still so fair, but in her hair a single grey strand
His babe still so innocent, but craving a meal
O the souls of his home call to, deep in his mind
Pipe clenched in his mouth he kissed his family goodbye
And he drove long without sleep to fix the unkind
For he’ll sleep once his home, is his home realigned
Nick's Poems
Smoking pipes is cool
I need to smoke more often
Dick Cheney made money off the Iraq war
I long for days of years that passed
When life was simple and calm
A time when not too much of me was asked
And I had not a single qualm
Yet I am wiser now and filled with life
Of greater things to come
A winding path still filled with strife
But a joyous song I still choose to hum
Darkness comes at night but hope in the morning
A new day, a new choice to ditch this life of mourning
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GPP is created by Adam Floyd (Get Piped)
GPP is produced by Nick Masella (Producer Guy).
Music for this episode is from StreamBeats.