The directors of the documentary "Israelism," Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, come byto talk about the film itself and the recent rash of attempts to censor screenings of it with GTAA host Ben Burgis. Ben reviewed the movie for Jacobin earlier this year:
In the postgame for patrons, This is Revolution host Jason Myles comes by to hang out and chat about rock music, authenticity, left politics, and his new pamphlet "I Was a Teenage Anarchist":
In between Ben and the GTAA crew will be talking about Norman Finkelstein's recent run-ins with Piers Morgan and throw in a comic relief breakdown of Dave Rubin warning of the dangers of Fruit Loops being excessively woke.
Find an IRL or virtual screening of Israelism:
Follow Sam and Erin on Twitter: @IsraelismFilm
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TiR
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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