[Scheduling: Sorry to be releasing these slightly out of order--things got messed up with traveling and etc. but Ep. 15 should be coming out in a couple days, then Ep. 16 on Saturday and we'll be caught up!]
Friend of the show Jordan Peterson recently referred to Luke Savage as an "idiot socialist." This week we talk to Luke himself (as well as actual-friend-of-show Matt McManus) about the article that got Dr. Peterson's attention--"Don't Fear Collectivism":
We're also watching GTAA host Ben Burgis's clips from the MSNBC documentary XCLD: The Story of Cancel Culture, as well as listening to Ben's recent appearance with Laura Coates on SiriusXM.
Follow Luke on Twitter: @LukewSavage
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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