Zero Hour host RJ Eskow joins Ben Burgis to talk about RJ's Current Affairs essay "The Dystopias of Yesterday":
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew watch some of a bizarre-even-by-the-standards-of-Alex-Jones conversation about hive minds and "the AI agenda" between evil clown Alex Jones, enemy-of-lizard-people David Icke, and a voice that may or may not be Elon Musk. Last but not least, Ethan from the Confronting Capital channel and Victor Bruzzone join us in the postgame for patrons to watch some Ben Shapiro inanity. This is a fun one.
Follow RJ on Twitter: @rjeskow
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
Follow Victor on Twitter: @victorbruzzone
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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