All I have to say is, be careful what you wish for. Especially if you add a bit of insurance to your wishes by using some advanced science and physics. You’ll find out what I mean soon enough in this week’s audio log.
While we experience an uncharacteristic departure from our usually INSANE goings-on, this week’s MST3K episode, Catalina Caper, does more than enough to make up for it by injecting our lives with the FDA daily recommended dose of good-natured teenage hijinks. We haven’t had this many hijinks since Untamed Youth, and good news – this time there aren’t any horrific miscarriage/teenage deaths to bring the movie down! There IS an underwater knife-fight, but that just INCREASES the level of hijinkery.
If you couldn’t tell, we really like MST3K S2E4 – Catalina Caper.