Charles is back and he can't leave!
In this episode, Lord Coulombe discusses one of our favorite new columns - The 'Roamin' Catholic' - as well as more changes post Vatican II. It's time to say to that last Generation of the 60s, "Times, they are a-changin'!"
You can read 'Roamin' Catholic' and all other articles from the Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission:
Buy 'Blessed Charles of Austria'
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:17 Recap of Last Episode With Charles
00:06:43 HOT HERETIC TRASH & ‘Bread of Life’ by Roy Cooney
00:08:57 ‘Wherever You Go’ by The Weston Benedictines
00:11:01 ‘Roamin’ Catholic’ & The LA Lay Catholic Mission Paper
00:18:10 An Excerpt from a ‘Roamin’ Catholic’ Article
00:20:12 How Wreckovations Occurred and Were Fought
00:26:42 The Wretched of the Wreckovators
00:29:03 Father James Martin & The Last of ‘68
00:33:16 Age and the Perennial Principles
00:37:22 The Slow Resurgence of TLM
00:41:20 Trads, “Never Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good”
00:46:56 Proper Liturgical Diversity
00:48:35 “That’s So Novus Ordo”
00:52:00 God as “Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier”
00:56:48 Thing are Becoming Traditional on the Local Level
00:59:10 The Last of the Henchmen Clerics
01:00:53 Praying for the Souls of the Dead
01:04:01 The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Prayers for America
01:08:05 Keeping Cheerful, Advent, and Christmas
01:19:10 Working on Our Own Sanctification
01:22:37 Cardinal O’Connell and the Polish Parish
01:25:39 Where to Final Charles’ Books and Works
01:27:15 Recommended Book “Blessed Charles of Austria” by Charles Coulombe
01:32:55 The Lord Mayor of Hackensack, NJ
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