Come buy our indulgences...
Are Roman Catholics Christians?
Do Papists know that they actually worship Baal?
What's a wafer god?
Thanks to Chick Publications, Jodie LaCroix joins once more to answer these very distressing questions a Protestant so 'kindly' left on her windshield.
00:00:00 Back with Jodie!
00:02:50 Chick Tracts explainer
00:05:35 Are Roman Catholics Christians?
00:07:09 Helen is Baptized, but…
00:10:37 Helen loves Rome and hates America
00:12:28 KKK poem about Catholics
00:14:58 Confession comes from Babylon!
00:21:00 ‘The word confessional is one of man’s inventions’
00:23:42 Did you ever wonder where the priests come from?
00:28:23 The Eucharist is really Baal! And Osiris!
00:32:22 The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
00:37:07 IHS means Isis, Horus, and Seb
00:45:30 Trent created death sentences over the Eucharist
00:52:57 Helen must BELIEVE the wafer god is Jesus
00:56:36 Did they get something right??
00:59:37 But Satan had other plans…
01:04:30 We’ll have to do a part 2
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