The meanings and symbols hidden in the Kabbalah about the four-letter name of God: Jehovah or YHVH.
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Let us study the mysterious Tetragrammaton. τετραγράμματον is a Greek word that addresses the four Hebrew letters יהוה which according to Kabbalah spell the name of the Divinity.
The Holy Bible, the Torah, and the Tanakh are books written based on the Zohar of the Kabbalah. In Gnosiswe always state that the doctrine that Moses gave to humanity was given in three ways:
So the Bible itself and all the stories and the descriptions that we find in it are based on the spirit and the soul of the doctrine. In the Bible we find many stories related with the life of many prophets. In esotericism we name those prophets Aeons or Masters of the Day who reach the realization of their Being. They achieve complete Self-Realization. So, we call them Aeons or יום Yoms, which means "days," vehicles of the light.
Light is the first expression or manifestation of the Unknowable. In Kabbalah, the Unknowable has three aspects, namely: Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur. These are the three aspects of the Unknowable that is represented by the last letter Hei of יהוה Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei. Within the Unknowable we find that which we call A-Elohim [אין אלהים] which is the Unknowable Seity. A-Elohim is that Seity which cannot, in any way, be represented because it is an Unknowable Light, Aur in Kabbalah; thus, light-אור-Aur abides in it and emanates from it.