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Glorian Podcast

Kabbalah of Genesis 05 The Hebraic Satanic Myth, Part 1

121 min • 5 september 2009

Lucifer, Satan, and the serpent are important symbols in the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions. Yet in the Gnostic tradition, Lucifer is explained as he is presented in the scripture: as "the bearer of Light" (Luce-fer, from Latin). Learn about the true identity of Satan, the adversary, and the tempation of Adam and Eve.

"How art thou fallen from (Schamayim) heaven (the Upper Eden), O Glorified One, son of the (evening and the) morning (the sixth day)! How art thou cut down to the ground (Adamah), which didst weaken the nations! 
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into (Schamayim) heaven (the Upper Eden), I will exalt my throne (spinal medulla) above the stars of El: I will sit also upon the mount (the pineal gland) of the congregation, in the sides of the north (Binah): I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 
Yet thou shalt be brought down to Gehenom (Hell), to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this [Adam] the Ish that made the earth to tremble, that did shake Malkuth? – Isaiah 14: 12-16

This is a lecture from the free online course Kabbalah of Genesis

Course Description:

The book of Genesis (Hebrew: Bereshit) is a book of Kabbalah that hides profound and ancient knowledge. Only those who have been educated in the language of Kabbalah can perceive the meanings hidden in the Hebrew letters and words, and the symbolic stories and events. This course will help you enter into the real meanings of Genesis.

"The book of Genesis is a Gnostic book written by Gnostics; the whole book hides the mystery of Daath, the Hebrew word for knowledge, which in Greek is Gnosis. So, Genesis is 100% Gnostic, whose myths hide a lot of knowledge." - The Tower of Babel Part 1

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