The Bible and the Zohar symbolize the structure of the soul (consciousness) as having many important aspects, including Yehuda (יחודה Unity), Ruach, Neshamah, and Nephesh. Explains the relationship between esoteric Christianity (especially The Pistis Sophia) and Kabbalah, alongside deep meanings hidden in many Hebrew words, including min (sex) and manna.
This lecture was recorded at the 2012 Gnostic Retreat in Australia.
This is a lecture from the free online course Let Us Make Adam.
Course Description:
The Hebrew words and letters of the Bible clearly say that the Gods and Goddesses (Elohim, a plural word) create Adam in their image. This course explains the development of the soul as taught by Moses in Genesis. Learn about the hidden meanings in the books of Moses and the Zohar in relation to Kabbalah, Hinduism, the Greek pantheon, and much more.
"And Elohim said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness..." - Genesis 1