A free audio lecture download about the seventh arcanum of the Tarot, "Triumph," and the Hebrew letter zayin.
Lecture quote:
"The Arcanum Seven depicts a warrior standing in a chariot. This warrior holds in his two hands a staff or a rod and a sword. The chariot has four columns which he stands in the midst of and the chariot is drawn or led by two sphinxes, one black and one white. This Arcanum symbolizes the chariot of war, which is also represented in the famous epic story of ancient India called The Mahabharata. This is an ancient story describing a huge conflict amongst the members of a family. The most famous extract or portion of this epic story is called the Bhagavad Gita, which means “The Song of the Lord,” and is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. They have this dialogue in a chariot on a battlefield at the very precipice of the greatest war the world has ever known. Of course typically, traditionally, the story is interpreted as merely a story and the symbolism is missed by the majority of the readers of the Mahabharata. The war symbolizes the struggle that the spiritual initiate has to undergo within the mind; the war amongst the psychological family, between the virtuous brothers and the greedy and proud brothers. Of course, the greedy and proud ones outnumber the virtuous ones, in us and in The Mahabharata."
This article is from the free online course The Twenty-two Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah.
Course Description:
This free online course is a thorough exploration of the universal principles contained in the twenty-two arcana of the Tarot, the Hebrew letters, and the Kabbalah.
"The Tree of Life is the spinal medulla. This Tree of Wisdom is also the ten Sephiroth, the twenty-two creative Major Arcana, letters, sounds, and numbers, with which the Logos (God) created the universe." - Samael Aun Weor
This course was originally given live and unscripted on Gnostic Radio. It is accompanied by a great deal of written material, including lecture transcriptions.