Dremio delivers no compromise lakehouse analytics for all of your data - and recent launches are making Dremio faster, more reliable, and more flexible than ever. Watch Mark Shainman, Product Marketing Manager at Dremio, Colleen Quinn, Product Marketing Manager at Dremio share and learn what's new in Dremio. - New Gen-AI capabilities for automated data descriptions and labeling - Dremio Cloud SaaS service now available on Microsoft Azure - Advances to ensure 100% query reliability with no memory failures - Expanded Apache Iceberg capabilities to streamline Iceberg adoption and improve performance Ready to Get-Started: https://www.dremio.com/get-started/?u... See all upcoming episodes and past episodes: https://www.dremio.com/gnarly-data-wa... Connect with us! Community Forum: https://bit.ly/2ELXT0W Github: https://bit.ly/3go4dcM Blog: https://bit.ly/2DgyR9B Questions?: https://bit.ly/30oi8tX Website: https://bit.ly/2XmtEnN Resource: https://www.dremio.com/resources/?utm... Events: https://www.dremio.com/events/?utm_me...#datalakehouse #analytics #datawarehouse #datalake #dataengineers #dataarchitects #governance #dremiocloud #opendatalakehouse #apacheiceberg #selfservice #enterprisedata #multitables #tableformat #microsoftazure #saas #automateddata #query #whatsnew #colleenquinn #markshainman #getstarted #etl #pipelines #genai #generativeai #parquet #json #tableau