Led by Mark Hoerth, Escalations Engineer, this workshop will guide you through the process of creating tables in your Iceberg catalog, ingesting Iceberg Tables into Amazon S3, creating a clean data product, enabling governed self-service for your organization, and ultimately querying the data through our SQL Runner and a BI Tool. Key Learning Points: - Creating tables in your Iceberg catalog - Manage data as code to create a production data product effortlessly - Implement data controls to enable governed self-service for your business - Create a Reflection for sub-second BI performance - Query the data product effectively Be sure to configure your Dremio Cloud Account - https://www.dremio.com/sign-up/ and create your first Sonar Project - https://docs.dremio.com/cloud/tutoria.... By doing so, you will be fully prepared to actively follow the workshop and maximize the benefits of this workshop. Workshop Source Code - https://gist.github.com/isha-dremio/7... See all upcoming episodes and past episodes: https://www.dremio.com/gnarly-data-wa... Connect with us! Community Forum: https://bit.ly/2ELXT0W Github: https://bit.ly/3go4dcM Blog: https://bit.ly/2DgyR9B Questions?: https://bit.ly/30oi8tX Website: https://bit.ly/2XmtEnN Resource: https://www.dremio.com/resources/?utm... Events: https://www.dremio.com/events/?utm_me...#datalakehouse #analytics #datawarehouse #datalake #dataengineers #dataarchitects #infrastructure #dremiocloud #dremiotestdrive #openlakehouse #opendatalakehouse #gnarlydatawaves #apacheiceberg #datasharing #ETL #selfservice #dataascode #branches #tableformat #dremiosonar #enterprisedata #reflections #workshop #iceberglakehouse #buildin60 #MarkHoerth